I don't solo in soil so, I'm not much help. I use salt nutes and top-fertigate my coco/perlite solos once every four hours to substantial runoff. That frequent watering/fertigation is not likely an option with soil due to the risk of overwatering, and pretty much requires automated watering. You will have to figure out how quickly the solos dry half way before you water/fertigate again. You will find that the plants deplete moisture in a solo very quickly once the plant gets larger. With coco, it is a challenge keeping it wet enough. For sure, you will find that your solos dry out far faster than what you are used to if you have been growing in larger volumes of medium. They also deplete nutes far faster as well, which makes organic feeding a challenge.
A solo of soil will not support the plant to maturity, so you will need to plan addition of nutes regularly throughout the grow. The easiest would be salt nutes, but you may be able to make things work with teas. Maybe someone here who has done solos with soil can give you more information.
Good luck with it.