Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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:face: :face: :face: I thought that myself looked like the leaves in the pics which do ripen much faster:headbang: But who am I to say anything I can't decide when to chop my own plants always thinking I am too early or too late:shrug: lately I have been wondering if I let them go too long and they are past ripeness... The ones I thought I was chopping early had good flavor and buzz so it has me wondering if I am harvesting at the right moment:shrug: Which IMO is one of the biggest huddles for new growers to over come
I fully agree! It is difficult as a new grower. Each girl matures different, too! I mainly look for cloudy and the shape/ By thatbtime, ambers are usually present.
@Jpkindbud here's my other 2 pinky t pink's pregnant with banana purple punch.....
I fully agree! It is difficult as a new grower. Each girl matures different, too! I mainly look for cloudy and the shape/ By thatbtime, ambers are usually present.
:yeahthat::d5: Same here my theory is if I see 90% cloudy on the calyx's:thumbsup: and the hairs are matured then I am in the I harvest window.... BUT something I have been wondering for the press guys can we determine anything from the color of the rosin of fresh flower pressed? NON cured bud only dried coule weeks if the rosin is light vs dark or is that strain dependent?

Like this strawberry microverse thought I was chopping early but the rosin is mint :baked::dizzy:
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