Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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I was a big tripper from like 18-20 something (i forget :rofl: ) and did it all! Paper,geltab, liquid, shrooms by the handful but hasn't really been the same since that bad trip!

That trip was pretty crazy til the Doors movie came on and freaked me out! I know I’ve told this story before but it was like 3am and i was looking out the window and all the leaves on the bushes were twirling circles on me and it was raining like crazy…. Looked out into the street and a grown dude prob in his 40’s was driving a little girls barbie power wheels down the middle of the street! :haha::crying:
The "bad trip" is usually what ends everybody's experimenting with hallucinagins :shrug: I've never had a bad one but I've definitely seen somebody jump out of a 3rd story window and break both ankles
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