Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Be still me beating heart............:biggrin:..from a distance that looked ike soft mold had sprung up......outdoors in the wouldn't be surprised...but it is dog fluff and grass seed by the looks...phew.......:whew:....probably a timely Reminder...experiment over...take them down.
I have been known to drive an hour or more to find a store/convenience store with half&half for my coffee. Once it gets dark and they roll up the sidewalks around these parts it would be quicker to just find a cow and make your own!!! :headbang:
Have any of you guys tried to have an open conversation with the anti-cannabis-people?

I had a discussion with a former cop i met a couple of days ago and after about 30 minutes the person accepted my idea that if we were 10 people on the planet and some of these people smoked pot and chilled it would have been okey, no law against it were needed.

And after the long discussion we had we went back to the topic about todays laws against cannabis and it didn’t mather what i was saying - “It is the law, and it’s unlegal and people dies from cannabis” was the answer i got.

It was like trying to talk to a wall…. despite the agreement we had when we just talked about 10 people. Now we just had to think bigger and think a billion times bigger…
No? Nope, no positive response at all. “It’s unlegal and people dies from it, bla bla bla”.

They are brainwashed, the whole bunch of them, and as we can’t have an honest open-minded discussion about the subject with 99-99.9% of the “nej-sayers“ - I realized one important thing…

I just have to use the technique of showing them by hand instead…. And then when we are in majority they will accept it, and understand what we’re trying to explain, and then they might try to smoke one themself….

Let’s give these narrow fuckers a nail in the eye while we using and take support from the book of law (wich they wrote), to make weed legal for everyone….

And let us do it - with style.

I have been known to drive an hour or more to find a store/convenience store with half&half for my coffee. Once it gets dark and they roll up the sidewalks around these parts it would be quicker to just find a cow and make your own!!! :headbang:

Morning @Talonxracer :crying: Must admit I use powdered creamer for me coffee....:coffee:....the milk in Spain taste funny when you are used to UK milk....and hubby doesnt take it was know me...line of least resistance......
Morning @Talonxracer :crying: Must admit I use powdered creamer for me coffee....:coffee:....the milk in Spain taste funny when you are used to UK milk....and hubby doesnt take it was know me...line of least resistance......
I now have some powdered coffee creamer as a backup, heck that is what I had to use for years when in the Navy!
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