Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Well not all of us have Carl as our personal agent:rofl::rofl::rofl:
I like that theory though :thumbsup: :woohoo:
Here's my Carl!:gassy1::face:
I always have email notifications off on forums. It's easier on that forum's server.

never thought about that good point:headbang:

Afternoon everyone, back reading done and the Unicorn just finished charging!
That is the downfall of the unicorn battery life could be better and charging would be a lot better with usb c.. I find I make sure mine is plugged in every night other wise it dies part way in to the next night then I have to wait and I have zero patience for that :doh::nono: :rofl::rofl::rofl:
The only time I've had the flu shot was when I was ordered to take it.
I was able to escape most of the flu shots when serving, I always volunteered for visual weapons detachment's that took me away from NAS Oceana for weeks at a time come flu season, LOL
Damn! About 2hrs, that chili will be riotous! good, people ould riot to get to it if they smelled it!
Gotta let that masa thicken it up and even the flavor.
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