Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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(all this talk makez me so glad the only femalez in my life are a dog & cat :rofl: ppp)
I'm pretty much in the same boat and I'm good with that.
The last one broke my ass in the trust department............and didn't do my bank account any good.
But, I can honestly say, she's in a much better place in life than when we found each other. I put her thru MCSE computer training and she did quite well. I studied right along with her, so I could help her with test prep. I could have easily passed the final exam, but sure couldn't afford the pay cut.
I learned my lesson though! Stay the F away from abused women! :face: No matter what you do, they will never trust you! I could still beat the hell outta the man that screwed her up!

And she was a red head, so she was batshit crazy anyway!:funny::funny::funny: She was a good person, but just so damn broken.
My 'Knight In Shining armor was permanently tarnished.:doh: And I had all shined up too!:funny::funny::funny:

I'm pretty much in the same boat and I'm good with that.
The last one broke my ass in the trust department............and didn't do my bank account any good.
But, I can honestly say, she's in a much better place in life than when we found each other. I put her thru MCSE computer training and she did quite well. I studied right along with her, so I could help her with test prep. I could have easily passed the final exam, but sure couldn't afford the pay cut.
I learned my lesson though! Stay the F away from abused women! :face: No matter what you do, they will never trust you! I could still beat the hell outta the man that screwed her up!

And she was a red head, so she was batshit crazy anyway!:funny::funny::funny: She was a good person, but just so damn broken.
My 'Knight In Shining armor was permanently tarnished.:doh: And I had all shined up too!:funny::funny::funny:
My last girlfriend way back when was a crazy redhead. Also abused. Lotta fun, lotta crazy. She was a wedding dress and hair model and a licensed massage therapist, so I obviously gave her a lot of slack :crying: But couldn't deal with it for more then a year. My wife was a waitress in a bar and worked at a day care during the day when we met. Helped her get through community college and medical school and now she's got 2 master's degrees and my ass isn't planning on going anywhere :rofl: Especially since we owe more for her student loans then for the mortgage...
:face: Don’t want to start anything buddy :biggrin::d5:BUT how is it no comparison what makes them that much better… Inhsve had zero issues with my coda bags… so to think there is something better about RS bags has me wondering what? Just because?
Well for my style and routine they work best remember I hand feed 2 times a day also have tons of air movement
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