Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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My ex wife only let me do one grow after she is like you spend to much time up there with them and what if we get busted. So as soon as we split and she left the state. I was right back at it. I wasnt so lucky with my ex wife. You all are lucky.
I was thinking the same too lol
My mrs has dug her heels in from day 1. She seems happy with me forking over £70-80 for a half ounce of standard weed does my fu**ing head in. Tbh with u guys I threw down the gauntlet and said “I either do it here or I do it somewhere else”
you lot are lucky lol
I take it your wife/GF 's didn't smoke? Mine does so she appreciates the good weed being around :shrug::headbang: the only thing she did say is if the electric bill gets any worse we may have to rethink something:nono::doh:
I take it your wife/GF 's didn't smoke? Mine does so she appreciates the good weed being around :shrug::headbang: the only thing she did say is if the electric bill gets any worse we may have to rethink something:nono::doh:
No she smokes with me too….. Hypocrite big time looool
I got lucky. Wife's father used to grow weed and make his own moonshine back in the day when she was little and most of her family smokes. Even though she didn't partake back when I started growing she was never totally against it and I just kinda let her know instead of asking :biggrin: She's a regular vaper now and she loves to garden so we have a little hobby crossover there. I think she likes that I have a hobby that keeps me home, but pretty sure she doesn't really like how much time I spend on it exactly :bong:
I was thinking the same too lol
My mrs has dug her heels in from day 1. She seems happy with me forking over £70-80 for a half ounce of standard weed does my fu**ing head in. Tbh with u guys I threw down the gauntlet and said “I either do it here or I do it somewhere else”
you lot are lucky lol
I knew we wernt going to make it much long so I quit before she left so she couldnt use it against me she was cray cray.
I got lucky. Wife's father used to grow weed and make his own moonshine back in the day when she was little and most of her family smokes. Even though she didn't partake back when I started growing she was never totally against it and I just kinda let her know instead of asking :biggrin: She's a regular vaper now and she loves to garden so we have a little hobby crossover there. I think she likes that I have a hobby that keeps me home, but pretty sure she doesn't really like how much time I spend on it exactly :bong:
Yeah same here now when I want to go shopping its to the garden center instead of basspro and she says "oohh I can find something there too" :doh::joy::wall:Same also think she's happy I am home more but in the basement too much it's bitter sweet for her I'm home but I'm not :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I take it your wife/GF 's didn't smoke? Mine does so she appreciates the good weed being around :shrug::headbang: the only thing she did say is if the electric bill gets any worse we may have to rethink something:nono::doh:
Nope she was an alcoholic didnt smoke anymore. Said she was going to smoke some I grew for her but just keep drinking more and more and popping Xanax. She was half the reason I relapsed multiple times bit she wont smoke some weed and chill.
(all this talk makez me so glad the only femalez in my life are a dog & cat :rofl: ppp)
Yeah same here now when I want to go shopping its to the garden center instead of basspro and she says "oohh I can find something there too" :doh::joy::wall:Same also think she's happy I am home more but in the basement too much it's bitter sweet for her I'm home but I'm not :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Same. Pretty sweet when she needs something for her plants and I already have it in stock :crying: And the time I'm hanging in my garage gardening and getting stoned is time better spent then when I'm sitting in a bar or doing some dumb shit :smoker1:
Nope she was an alcoholic didnt smoke anymore. Said she was going to smoke some I grew for her but just keep drinking more and more and popping Xanax. She was half the reason I relapsed multiple times bit she wont smoke some weed and chill.
Oh man sounds like even besides not letting you grow she needed to be gone you don't need that in your life
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