Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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When I buy more I am getting 2 gallons ones for the coco and some more 6.6 gallon shortys for the soil girls really like that size for the soil seems to have plenty food and water for them I don't need to water everyday
They make 6.6 gallons? Id be interested in a couple of those for my lemon tree photos, they are supposed to get pretty big. I was thinking it would be nice to have something slightly bigger than a 5 but not as big as a 7 or 10gal
...Google translate...
Google translate has gotten better, but it still comes up with some ridiculous stuff sometimes. Especially since people use idioms which make no sense when translated word-for-word to another language.

If you use Google translate to translate "You're shit out of luck" into Spanish and then back to English, you get "You're fucking lucky." So the exact opposite of what was intended.
They make 6.6 gallons? Id be interested in a couple of those for my lemon tree photos, they are supposed to get pretty big. I was thinking it would be nice to have something slightly bigger than a 5 but not as big as a 7 or 10gal
Yup they sure do just for that reason and people with height restrictions... Definitely get over to esty and check his shopcoda page :thumbsup:
Agreed 100%, it should be across the board. I'm private sector were the rules get twisted.
Yeah, private sector can be quite screwed up. The ass yardbirds I 'escorted' off the ship for doing drugs, snorting coke in the lower ram room of after steering on the birdfarm, had been busted before. I told them at the yard barge, I would throw them off from the flight deck if I caught them anywhere aboard ship. The guys were still there and the leader of the group made a face at me and bowed up. I quickly reminded him that we could finish this right here and now. .......They did look pretty bad from our 'escorting' to the barge. He backed down after glancing at the pipe wrench I still had in my hand!:eyebrows::funny::funny: I was still seeing red from these asshats working on a critical system doing drugs on my god damn ship!
........then the CHENG(ship's chief engineer) walked in as I said that! :eek1::what?:
I guess the OOD informed him as I left the quarterdeck with them. :funny: Thankfully, he backed me up. I admit, I was walking on thin ice with what I did to them, but with their drugs in hand, actually I threw in on the yard supv desk I was in front of, but with drug charges possible, it's doubtful they would have pursued charges against me. CHENG was HOT, thankfully not at me. He told them he wanted a list of every job these asshats worked on.:funny:

I was a little disappointed I never found any of them on board. :biggrin:
I think this is a good come back 4g of Jack's Dream....I pressed it at 190°f for 3min....
Google translate has gotten better, but it still comes up with some ridiculous stuff sometimes. Especially since people use idioms which make no sense when translated word-for-word to another language.

If you use Google translate to translate "You're shit out of luck" into Spanish and then back to English, you get "You're fucking lucky." So the exact opposite of what was intended.
So freaking true. Anything longer than a sentence is horribly mistranslated. Any time I attempt to use it I get confused looks and a nod that doesnt mean crap. Which is another problem. Saying they understand when they really dont
Not really besides the price is the only bad thing I can say BUT the CS is amazing always sends something free haven't had a bag rip or any threads pop when I order stuff it is shipped out asap and here in couple days… he sent me one of the diamond 1/4 gallon bag with a order used it once for a seedlings it’s nice but I like the living soil bags or the core series for my coco… The TLS bags are a thick canvas side so air doesn’t get threw like the mesh ones and the bottom is a coarse mesh so it has good air flow and drainage since I hand water I tend to get a little runnoff View attachment 1541786View attachment 1541787View attachment 1541788

:face:AND I am a sucker for the colors:doh:
Really been considering some of these. I'm a sucker for the colors as well haha. How would you compare them to rain science? I love my RS bags so I'm hesitant to switch.
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