Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Machine safeguarding is ok, the problem is 80% of our entry level work force cant read or speak english, and 90% of our processes are automated

Probably because they are the only ones willing to work. Lots of people that grow up in this country are either too lazy, too stupid or too entitled to do many kinds of work.

They either want to get paid way too much for having zero skill and reliability, or they would rather just suck the teet of the government and do nothing.

That leaves people who come from other countries that actually understand what strife really is and are eager for the opportunity. You aren't struggling until you're digging in the trash for food. Imagine being somewhere that you can't even do that because no one is rich enough to throw away something edible.

If everyone was forced to go live in some sh!t hole country for a year they might actually have some perspective...

Your work has the responsibility of making sure those who are hired can do the job and communicate. They are failing apparently :shrug:

Good thing you were paying attention :cheers:
Stay safe out there, hard to defoliate with only one arm :smoking:
Probably because they are the only ones willing to work. Lots of people that grow up in this country are either too lazy, too stupid or too entitled to do many kinds of work.

They either want to get paid way too much for having zero skill and reliability, or they would rather just suck the teet of the government and do nothing.

That leaves people who come from other countries that actually understand what strife really is and are eager for the opportunity. You aren't struggling until you're digging in the trash for food. Imagine being somewhere that you can't even do that because no one is rich enough to throw away something edible.

If everyone was forced to go live in some sh!t hole country for a year they might actually have some perspective...

Your work has the responsibility of making sure those who are hired can do the job and communicate. They are failing apparently :shrug:

Good thing you were paying attention :cheers:
Stay safe out there, hard to defoliate with only one arm :smoking:
I dont blame the migrant workers. Our job is too cheap to hire a translator, so they use floor employees who dont understand the work but are bilingual to explain a job they themselves dont understand.

I get most places suck to work at but its a huge hazard to have people we cant communicate properly with. The office tells us use google translate to explain yourself. Google translate is a last resort. It does not translate well unless you already have an understanding of the language you are translating too. But the people in the offices dont care because they arent the ones dealing with near misses on a day to day basis. Like today, I almost got my arm lopped off and did any paperwork get filled out?.....Nope. Any shred of "extra" work is ignored, saftey, disciplinary, ANYTHING.

Our company even started a van service to get prople from the major metros around here, here. What happened guns and knives being brought into work and being pulled on the van rides here. Now we have armed security guards and metal detectors, because no one but the worst of the worst will work here.
Allow me to make this sound fancy.

I work on the nuclear side of the military complex. Mainly submarine parts for Electric Boat.
A few years ago they come out with a new rule, no "hourly" employee's are allowed cell phones on the property, for national security reasons.
Last I F'n heard the hourly employee's are the ones who do the work, fight the wars, and fly the flag at home.
So a 30 year hourly employee cannot be trusted, but some new college kid right off the street can be?
Every spy ever caught in this country was on the management side if I recall right.
Walker was kaki if I remember correctly I don't remember if his son was. The Walker's treason was actually a good thing in the end. It made the Navy re-evaluate security clearances. I was working on subs at Pearl at the time. Mine actually went up after the re-evaluation, but most went down to only confidential. It got really stupid, right afterwards. If I had work on a Boomer, I already had the clearance, but I had to submit a temp clearance for each one of my crew. :face: With my clearance, I got all the jobs for our shop for Boomers. It took well over a year for the DoD to do the proper background checks for the other personnel.

I really find it a bit ridiculous, maybe surprised is a better word, that so much about a nuke power plant is still classified. I can see why a large part of the primary side is classified......core, pressurizer structure and size of pumps and piping. You can derive power outputs and functions. Secondary side is not really different than a conventional plant.
That being said, there is a plethora of things that can be derived from simple material and construction specs. That's just the boat itself, weapon and detection systems are quite obvious.
Times and tech change. It's good that they changed phones with on duty. It is a security risk. It really should have been across the board, with only limited exceptions that have been thoroughly researched, not a blanket SOP for so-called management.
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