Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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I have the sleeve and the infusion press thingy and to be honest i prefer to just infuse in the unit and use the infusion press to strain it! Then u aren’t trying to dump the sleeve into a french press or a strainer and funnel! Either way u gotta wash something and the unit is waterproof so super easy to clean with a sponge and soap! Obviously tho as u can tell from @WildBill some others prefer the sleeve/press method! Personal preference i imagine! ;) :d5:
Thanks for reminding me about the press offered. I would have to press anything out the sleeve, so as long as it’s watertight, might as well wash once.
Ferm juice is going to my plants go boom....I added 4ml to 3.5 gal.....and using my bubbler....
FERM JUICE......:growing:
Did you see the new smell proof lid they sell? Apparently it’s new since last i perused the site! It was $55 if I remember correctly but then 30% off buying it during sale! :thumbsup:
Missed that. The zero stank is not necessary, just less than the oven method. The family
I cant take credit for coming up with the recipe

BUT I WILL! Lmao jk thats some good shit tho! 3ml is all u need! Or thats what i believe i was told from dude i learned the method from! 

3ml a gal?
3ml a gal?
Yes sir exactamundo! If that was made from fan leafs and maybe some smaller shoots thats all u need! U can maybe go lil over if plants more sad then usual but prob 5ml max! Its def strong enough u could burn your plants with it!
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