Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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thanks for the explanation. Your description is pretty much what I expected for backing a double up. Until your post, I would have lost money betting that it could not be done, in a straight line or otherwise. I am competent with a normal automotive trailer, but I can't imagine having a second one behind it to manage. :worship:

:pass:Thanks for the reps the other day @Olderfart and!. Delayed thanks as I have been absent for a few days. 5 concerts in 7 days in 4 cities!

As far as the construction on that house, no, that one was not all from scratch. Even more work though, as it was a complete restoration of an 1811 house in Charleston, SC. The house was neglected for years and had severe water damage along with no ventilation in a super humid climate. A large portion of the interior had to be gutted, but salvaged what we could and reused. Moldings, trim, stair rails, dentils, etc...Everything was built back to original. The mill work and plaster costs were astronomical, but clients had deep pockets and no expense was spared. Even the trim in there was wet sanded to 800 grit. Smooth as glass.
The outside, you have to deal with the Board of Architectural Review and they're a giant pain in the ass! Everything has to remain the same as original and patched instead of replaced etc...They don't like it if you sand peeling paint! Great project though and still stoked when I see pics.
I got a new Moto g 5g stylus. I takes a pretty good regular picture.

Thanksgiving dinner shopping done. Snowblower and generator fired up and working. Lawnmower packed away. Fully stoned. :thumbsup: I'm dying for some turkey/stuffing/mashed/macncheese already :bong:

Coz Everyone else was doing the same......?...............:crying:.....
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