Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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I was running orders so I’m a little late…..



:crying: :crying: :crying: That Russian Winter Dabs makes me forget shit...............

I meant to post this hours ago :rofl:

I have been seeing Larson around again. Comic Genius!

I have long wondered whether that was possible, and if I was betting, I would have lost. :biggrin: Could you back them around a corner? Genuine question, not being snarky. :pighug::worship:

Not a chance. In order to back up more than 20 feet, you must start perfectly straight and level. The smallest pivot on the first point (the front wheels of the tractor) is multiplied by the length of the tractor, to the hitch, then the next pivot point is the front trailer axle, the hitch pin on the back of the first trailer, then the front wheels of the second trailer. That is 5 pivot points. Most of the time you just end up with an accordion. I drove 16 hours a day for 10 days moving almonds at a packing yard towing those trailers. I am almost sure I drove across the yard asleep one time. It was so boring. We did a lot of racing and stuff when the foreman wasn't around but a work tractor don't pin you to the seat :rofl:
Not a chance. In order to back up more than 20 feet, you must start perfectly straight and level. The smallest pivot on the first point (the front wheels of the tractor) is multiplied by the length of the tractor, to the hitch, then the next pivot point is the front trailer axle, the hitch pin on the back of the first trailer, then the front wheels of the second trailer. That is 5 pivot points. Most of the time you just end up with an accordion. I drove 16 hours a day for 10 days moving almonds at a packing yard towing those trailers. I am almost sure I drove across the yard asleep one time. It was so boring. We did a lot of racing and stuff when the foreman wasn't around but a work tractor don't pin you to the seat :rofl:
thanks for the explanation. Your description is pretty much what I expected for backing a double up. Until your post, I would have lost money betting that it could not be done, in a straight line or otherwise. I am competent with a normal automotive trailer, but I can't imagine having a second one behind it to manage. :worship:
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