Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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WELL,,,,,, I did hurt her, was cleaning it out and my sleeve caught the glass water cone and over it went and broke the end, to get her working again I inserted the rubber tip and taped it on to seal the cone.....ordered another. I haven't broken any glass smoking implements in 7 years bad luck(or is that breaking a mirror?), anyways still vaping!
On man that suck I use the the rubber tip as a splash guard plus stoner me has pulled the cone off a couple times to look at the bottom not thinking that there is water in it :doh: The tip helps some from spilling water everywhere:biggrin::d5:
TM20 Ogreberry 2B super glue. :crying:

Fuck the law. Yell out "where da weed at?" Not smoking while you're here is silly.

Well, I’ve spent 4 years in juvenile correction centers and 3 years in custody or jails growing up - so I can honestly say I’m done going to jails, it’s not worth it for me.

And as I intend to visit this beautiful country again, I’m trying to fallow US laws by the book so I don’t get into any kind of trouble.

Call me fussy, but I have learned the hard way.
Time for a small digestion break! Had some brunch delivered and I’m stuffed with a few bites left! Had pancakes/sausage/bacon/and some scramby eggs! Got like 3 bites of pancakes left and 2/3 sausage patty so gonna hit the solo til I have room to proceed! ;) :woohoo1::smokeit:
Well, I’ve spent 4 years in juvenile correction centers and 3 years in custody or jails growing up - so I can honestly say I’m done going to jails, it’s not worth it for me.

And as I intend to visit this beautiful country again, I’m trying to fallow US laws by the book so I don’t get into any kind of trouble.

Call me fussy, but I have learned the hard way.
You do not want to get on the US feds' radar about this stuff if you intend crossing the border. If you pick up dispensary stuff in a legal state, don't even carry it across state lines, and pay for it in cash only. Once the feds have your number, you will likely be banned for life absent some sort of expensive buyout, and I am not even sure that the pay option is available any more. The dearest and I are really careful about this because she has family in the US, so we cross from Canada at least a couple times a year. So far so good. :biggrin::pighug:
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