Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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If they enter a area where their food species are not present they will eat about anything, the cats they see as competitors for food. I know one thing, I wouldn't want to tangle with one, after all they are the wolverines mal-tempered eastern cousin. Their primary food are porcupines, any that targets a porcupine has got to be badass! LOL
I've seen them clear a chicken farm of rats in about a week. No porcupines here but I know they're in the Poconos and that's not far from me at all. 1st time I heard one I thought there was a kid lost in the woods. They also seem to be close to the lakes and rivers around here. Had one about 2 years ago walk out the woods and along my fence at night and kept screaming at my dogs, who were going nuts, for about 100 yards before it veered off
Sorry guys should have let y'all know, today was opening day for deer season........

Seen 6 deer in all, 1 legal buck but he wasnt big enough for me, also seen 1 bear, 1 bobcat and 2 fishers.

And now I see a Unicorn!
Duh yup should have thought about that i don't deer hunt but did realize it was opening day of gun :doh::shooty:

Welp got the dryer all fixed up seems to working great only took me all afternoon so i didn't get any garage chores done truck and snow blower will have to wait till tomorrow taking some dabs on mango smile with the unicorn :bong:
Welp got the dryer all fixed up seems to working great only took me all afternoon so i didn't get any garage chores done truck and snow blower will have to wait till tomorrow taking some dabs on mango smile with the unicorn :bong:View attachment 1539523
I never did make it to the farmers market. Got caught up weeding my flower beds outside, and then getting the meat going :headbang::pass:
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