Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Sounds like the opening sequence to a blue movie ..... "we'll have to huddle together to conserve body warmth" .... "i've heard it's best skin to skin" ... wakka-chicka-wacka-chicka....bow-woooowwww

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.gif been on the Evil Bud again...........?..........:eyebrows:
:crying: ooooooh...............

I once had sum ass!:eyebrows:
Her name was Ruth! I called her Baby most times.:eyebrows:
She sure was purdy!:woohoo:
She was a small packaged little thing, but very proportional!:eyebrows:
Her ears were a bit big and had a silly ass laugh.
She loved Miss College Mound, my registered SinBrah cow.
We were together for over 10 years and I sure miss her. She was so funny! Her antics were quite amusing!
She was a bad ass too!
One night, She whooped the hell outta a pack of coyotes!
You should have heard the commotion! It woke me up in a start from a dead sleep.......back when I could sleep 8hrs.:face:
I lost her pics,

But here's what she looked like.

I once had sum ass!:eyebrows:
Her name was Ruth! I called her Baby most times.:eyebrows:
She sure was purdy!:woohoo:
She was a small packaged little thing, but very proportional!:eyebrows:
Her ears were a bit big and had a silly ass laugh.
She loved Miss College Mound, my registered SinBrah cow.
We were together for over 10 years and I sure miss her. She was so funny! Her antics were quite amusing!
She was a bad ass too!
One night, She whooped the hell outta a pack of coyotes!
You should have heard the commotion! It woke me up in a start from a dead sleep.......back when I could sleep 8hrs.:face:
I lost her pics,

But here's what she looked like.


Hey .. Bill!!


............Nice Ass!
Morning afn, feeling great today. Meds working on overhaul right now though. Face has begun to turn into a faucet I cant turn off. Far better than it being trapped.

Decided to start my day off with the last little bit of holy grail kush I had.

Checked on my tent, starting to think I have some fungus gnats in my soil, probably from that old bag of OF I had left over from my first plant. My leaves are starting to look like curly parsley right now (as far as curl) and if what Im reading is right I may have some fungus gnats living in my soil. Saw one flying around yesterday but I got it out, but where theres 1 theres probably more. is good n hot, 59.9 in the greenhouse and fingers crossed it isn't cold enough to affect the seedlings much......almost dreading being out in the cold at the turkey shoot but son in law been asking every weekend since they started up last month and this is the last one for the year.
Above all things, have fun, but no pre-shoot shrooms! :biggrin: :rofl::rofl:
Oh dont worry, my dosage is only 6 days worth, no refills. But its alot. 21 pills in 6 days.
That dose is actually just the first day’s pills. Everything after that is a taper to get your body to resume making it itself. The body has it’s own levels for hormones and when you take pills with it, it backs off production.
That dose is actually just the first day’s pills. Everything after that is a taper to get your body to resume making it itself. The body has it’s own levels for hormones and when you take pills with it, it backs off production.
The packaging makes it so only someone who is blind couldnt take it lmao
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