Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Still 37 out so sure ain’t gonna stick! :d5:
Oh dont worry, my dosage is only 6 days worth, no refills. But its alot. 21 pills in 6 days.
That's pretty standard for big infections like that. Infections in your head are no joke. Assuming they're titrating the dose over the six days?
That's pretty standard for big infections like that. Infections in your head are no joke. Assuming they're titrating the dose over the six days?
Yes they are. 6 per day then 5 then so on. Im wide awake right now and normally I cant stay up past 10, maybe 11 if I find a good movie.
Here's everyone in the 4x4 Day 72:pass: raz-berry runtz, strawberry mircoverse, sweet bourbon kush, and banana Breads
All the girls got a pretty heavy hair cut might not look it but I took drip trays full from each girl:yoinks::headbang::shooty:


Yes they are. 6 per day then 5 then so on. Im wide awake right now and normally I cant stay up past 10, maybe 11 if I find a good movie.
I had a missed sinus infection in June or so of 2020. Thought it was allergies and then it kinda "went away" on its own. But then I started having constant dizzy spells and vertigo and terrible headaches and hearing loss. Turned out the sinus infection had turned into an abscess further into my sinus cavity and was pressing on my eardrum, causing an ear infection. I dropped to like 108lbs (I'm 5'8") cause I couldn't eat, I could barely walk to the bathroom without assistance. I legitimately thought I was dying. My work had swapped to remote so I was just working from home through it but then they made everyone come back to the office in August and I was not physically able, so I finally went to the Dr. After antibiotics steroids and visits to several specialists I ended up mostly better eventually. Definitely could have ended up dead if I kept ignoring it though considering it was literally right next to my brain. Did end up getting put on daily allergy meds after that which has kept me from really getting any bad sinus infections since which is amazing cause I got several a year for most of my life and I guess my mom/pediatrician never stopped to think if maybe they were being caused by something :face:
Thanks for the rep @Mossy! We just came up, done scrubbing for the night. Got the bulk of the heavy glue up, will have to get the rest tomorrow and them it'll be a whole lot of mopping to get all the rest of the residue up. It's nice to finally have visible progress again after one setback after another here recently lol
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