Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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How much bud per week any idea? I know I was smoking around 1-2 oz a week easy with bud
Shit I don’t know! After last harvest I had 2 separate Tupperware containers holding a qp each and 1 is about 3/4 gone! Other is about halfway! Think I harvested them Mid Sept!
3-6 FEET of snow is crazy. We'll get a 3-4ft snowstorm here every 5 years or so. Power outages from the trees falling ends up being the real problem

we don't even consider it a snow storm till you can measure in feet :haha::crying::crying::crying: Our schools will stay open with 1-2' over night maybe a delay :cooldance::shooty:
3-6 FEET of snow is crazy. We'll get a 3-4ft snowstorm here every 5 years or so. Power outages from the trees falling ends up being the real problem

In my 41yrs in Texas if u added up all the snowfall I’ve seen here in them 4 decades it may add up to 3-4’ total! 2.5” here and schools and everything are shutdown like we are in a blizzard! :haha::crying:

I used to go to Michigan every Christmas break so snow and ice here peeps are driving like 20min down the highway and I’m going the speed limit bobbing and weaving thru the nimrods! :thumbsup:
I've been sitting on the same spot on the floor for the bulk of the last 5 hours... hubby just got home and dragged me to standing so he can work on getting the waterlogged section of board out from under the leak. I'm gonna take a smoke break and then maybe go toss some dinner in the air fryer lol. Meant to come up here and get baked when I got back from the hardware store but I got sidetracked cause the kids wanted food and never made it upstairs lmao.
It’s hard to say exactly…..depending on strain, I generally get as little as .40 g and as much as 1.23 g per quarter. So, monthly I’m probably three, three and a half maybe. Roughly… :pass:
3-3.5 mo
we don't even consider it a snow storm till you can measure in feet :haha::crying::crying::crying: Our schools will stay open with 1-2' over night maybe a delay :cooldance::shooty:
We'd need a foot plus to cancel school when I was a kid but now they'll cancel that shit with just a threat of a couple inches. Delayed openings don't exist anymore :shrug:
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