Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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So, I’ve concluded that I consume about 40% less cannabis with dabs. :headbang:
Really? That's pretty surprising. I'm totally opposite. I go through more weed to make the dabs, then the dabs pretty much raise my tolerance through the roof and it takes even more weed :shrug:
Well, sure. But it’s accurate. I can really fly through the weed smoking fat joints all day. I’m down to an ounce and a quarter a weeks worth of dabs……versus about two a week doober style.
Microdosing then instead of finishing the joint :aha: Underrated thing about dabs is precise measurement
Nothing has come from where the leak is in a bit now so I'm assuming it's good but figured I'd ask lol
Gotta find the lowest point in that pipe and let it drain from there to get water past the work area.
Well, sure. But it’s accurate. I can really fly through the weed smoking fat joints all day. I’m down to an ounce and a quarter a weeks worth of dabs……versus about two a week doober style.
Is the ceiling higher? This ? coming from a high tolerance girl, consuming medibles.
Well, buttoned up the porch greenhouse as best I can for now....sitting at 63 in the Adenium area....will leave the light on all night just for the lil extra 51 on the porch now.....Lookah hit the facility in Orlando today so I should be vaping by the weekend...neighbor across the street mentioed to son in law next door he thought someone was growing weed cause he smelled it in the mornings this summer when I had a couple out on back deck for a seed run and couldn't smell anything.......opened bedroom door this eve when we got home...Skunk Funk from the GT's already.
Is the ceiling higher? This ? coming from a high tolerance girl, consuming medibles.
I'd say the ceiling is higher then smoking but lower then edibles. The high is kind of in between though. Dabs will give the brain fog of smoking, but it's a little more "cleaner" and vibrant kinda high like edibles I can smoke all day and stay on my feet, dabs will lay me down but I'll usually cough my ass off before I get there, and edibles are pretty easy to green out. It's just a different way of cooking a steak
I'd say the ceiling is higher then smoking but lower then edibles. The high is kind of in between though. Dabs will give the brain fog of smoking, but it's a little more "cleaner" and vibrant kinda high like edibles I can smoke all day and stay on my feet, dabs will lay me down but I'll usually cough my ass off before I get there, and edibles are pretty easy to green out. It's just a different way of cooking a steak
Yeah, I choke out quick on smoking and edibles put me to sleep mostly...hoping vaping will get me where I want to be without choking.
Well, sure. But it’s accurate. I can really fly through the weed smoking fat joints all day. I’m down to an ounce and a quarter a weeks worth of dabs……versus about two a week doober style.
Actually, I think the same thing since I’ve been using my Swordfish. I like it that I can sneak up on and fine tune my med levels to supplement the cannacoffee.
Good Morfnoevight All you Thursday stoners!


The Winners are:

First place is @Born slippy 1
Second place is @Dale's Proper Bud 2
Third is @Mañ'O'Green 2

I want to thank all our fantastic sponsors and everyone else for their participation in this video event. I hope some of you learned how easy it is to post a short video on AFN. Please go forth and teach other members. A well edited short video can really make your plants shine in a grow journal.

I am happy to take a Third place win but really don't think I should be eligible for prizes and want to pay mine forward to the new Third place winner @Redeye Master.
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