Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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I’m gonna give it a shot once these plants head into flower in a month and a half or so :headbang:

It would be Most Appreciated......even if you don't Get All Helps find out which ones Do.

When we had the Med Team going we did a lot of work on how Fast we could take crosses down and stil get them to Kick for med patients.... which was around 7-7.5 weeks...but #FingerDabs are working much Earlier.
Just did a couple hits off the unicorn and think I'm just go chill out with the pups feeling wrecked :baked::dizzy::sleeping: I might be back around might not :shrug:

If your outdoor is cold...cover your the cold doesnt get into the socket.
Take some pain killers...and get yourself an early night....... :pighug: .....
I Refilled the Tortoises tank with compost from pots i never used the other day.
I washed the compost and let it dry out abit and then put it on the floor of the tank.
A few days later and this appears lol
Its a seed that never germed and seems to have resurrected

Thanks for the Reps @Mossy! :d5:
Maybe when I get at it, I'll do an unbox video. I'm not typical, new things have been known to stay in the wrapper for up to 3 months before I actually open it. I don't know... I like suspense I guess. :rofl:

But..... Probably not this time though...

Yeah, I've been like an 80's kid waiting 12 weeks for a mail order from the Gag gift section in the back of a comic... But in this case... It took seven long days to arrive...

All jokes aside, I'm tickled to to be able to get my hands on the Honey Badger and fully intend on an unboxing and review.

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