Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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I've become such a canna snob and used to inexpensive high quality ORGANICALLY grown canna!
I don't think I could bring myself to buy canna at a dispensary.
Ya i will if there's someone going and mostly cuz of chicks. I think the main reason people go to the dispensary here is there's a lot of the murdery type growing here.
Hop[e you ain't tossing em.... :rofl:
LOL, I actually considered not smoking it. Ya know how they say you never forget the smell of a decomposing body, well it's pretty much the same with baby doo-doo and baby vomit. I swear sometimes I turn my head to the right and smell vomit on my shoulder, and I haven't burped a baby in 33 years.
But I'm glad I did smoke it, awesome stuff.
???????...please explain
Well a lot of people moved here after legalization started selling and then quickly figured out you can't go around doing that in a place where every single neighborhood and block has its established crew doing that for multiple generations so all the new and scared people go to the dispo
Finishing up the deep watering on the passion fruit vines...loo and behold..
LOL, I actually considered not smoking it. Ya know how they say you never forget the smell of a decomposing body, well it's pretty much the same with baby doo-doo and baby vomit. I swear sometimes I turn my head to the right and smell vomit on my shoulder, and I haven't burped a baby in 33 years.
But I'm glad I did smoke it, awesome stuff.
I've forgotten the baby doo-doo and baby vomit, but the smell of a decomposing body is burned into your brain.
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