Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Well, decided to say screw it and scrap the whole plan lmao. Ordered a freestanding tip out trash cabinet (too big to fit in the 15" spot and decided not to take out the 12" cabinet box lol). Also ordered an island on casters cause I've wanted an island and it was on sale and should give me a good bit of extra work space and storage. Still left me with a 15" cavity to fill... thought about ordering some small utility type shelves to go in there and started looking... then I remembered I'd been trying to figure out a better way to store my room temp produce a while ago and had a light bulb moment. Ordered a freestanding produce tower thing on wheels that should fit in there nicely and leave empty space in the back for storing larger stuff that currently lives on the pantry floor (like my 20lb bag of rice lol). Still going to be an opening which will annoy me but at least it will put my produce in a spot that is cool and dark and also at arms reach when doing prepwork.
:yeahthat: I haven't done it to your existent but that is what i like about coco much easier for me to cut nitrogen in late flower too and bad watering habits coco is much more forgiving to my overwatering habits :eek1::doh::rofl::rofl::rofl: also tired of checking ph everyday though
Yeah, the pH thing is a pain. OTOH, fighting with plants for several weeks, doing flushes and all the other shit I have done to try to fix stuff in other media is worse for me. I am getting quicker with the pHing, and once I am on to auto fertigation, it will be less often because I will be using a ~60 liter reservoir. It will be interesting to see how the bigger pots do with this setup. I am just getting the auto irrigation sorted. For now, it looks like I should be able to run both the solos and the larger pots on the same reservoir and pump.

I also really appreciate the tolerance of coco to heavy watering. In my experience, once plants are well established, it is bloody hard to overwater. I think that the risk of underwatering to insufficient runoff is a higher risk, maybe a lot higher, especially with solos. I checked the pump timing spreadsheet I used last winter, and I was fertigating the solos six times a day for a while. I had to back off to fewer due to overflow on one of the solo pots, but they were all doing really well on six fertigations per day until I ran into the overflow issue. Once those solos get really plugged with roots, the water soaks in really slowly, so the size of headroom above the medium becomes an issue.

All a learning experience for this grower. As usual. :biggrin: :pighug:

LOL,, I have to run PH, free chlorine, TDS/EC and biologic tests on my water EVERY day, sometimes repeating the tests at several locations around our community to satisfy state regulations,,,then every day at 4pm PH'ing 4 gallons of spring water for the grow now ...... It does get old, but I have decent quality gear in my kit that does make the job far less of a pain in the arse just time consuming as you know! LOL
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Chicken is almost ready.

meh, who needz clothez anyway :rolleyes2: :smoking: ppp
Weed is far more important than clothes….but some things can’t be unseen, especially at 70.
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