Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Man this shit was hilarious! I didn’t get the initial pic cuz I didn’t have my phone out but I was looking down the loading dock waiting on my pops to come out to give him a ride home and saw this…..

Pulled my car down by dumpster and turned brights on and then turned video camera on with the flash and proceeded to go check around dumpster to see if I could find him but didn’t see him! Heard some scratching and turned around just in time to see this shit! :rofl:


On the second cup of "Put hair on your chest and take it right back off" Black Rifle Coffee as celebration of Veteran's Day. That's strong ass coffee!:woohoo:

Water and light check of the girls shows 5 gal water needed in da EBs.

The 3gal girls will get water N Feed before 5. Gonna hit them with BAS Flower, the one with soy aminos, another hit of Yah-Whey ferment and Alfalfa ferment. That's mainly for the picky little bitch 3BOG. I think I'll add Recharge with a splash of molasses. I'm hoping the aminos will help the plant absorb/utilize what I'm giving her and what's already there.........prolly put down a layer of EWC on top before watering.:eyebrows:
I think I'll brew it for a bit............warm the water some fer da microbes.

If I don't see a positive, or enough response, I'll break down and do the damn shade over 3BOG. With her Tri-leaf expression, she is just one of those damn needy sluts! Everything is/was the same in her treatment. She was always the first to do the shut down droop.
With space at a premium, it just a Pain. Girls are going everywhere and crowding each other. I sooooooo wish I had the growroon in the shop right now with an open floor grow.......ROOM!
All the girls in the 2x4 look like they are doing an impression of Square Bob!:rofl::face:

Baring 3BOG, I'm happy AF with the current grow. SourStomper is right on course for 65days and I assume Double Grape, da frost monster, is close behind.
Imma gonna finger dab her encrusted sugar leaves when I feed them to night.
I'll prolly get the 'Quickening', but I'll be high AF. I don't do Veteran's Day very well. I have to be busy. I was planning something different this year to maybe cope better, but a tree in the living room tends to change things. With the weather turning cold, I need to actually finish the clean up in the attic, shoulda done that first, so I can drape some cover over the hole in the ceiling. And also block off the end of the ducting so I can have some heat.
It's a dismal cloudy rainy day!:face:

I think I'm gonna play some GTA OnLine. I'm gonna do a physiological experiment. :eyebrows:
I'm gonna drive around in a god-mode car, and see who attempts to kill me and who gets in the car or does nothing. Those that attack will be killed and then left alone. Those that attack again with be ruthlessly murdered until they leave, go passive or go inside a building.
Hopefully they will be on mike! :eyebrows::rofl:

I gotta blow off some steam before I start all this shit.
Everything above was done just before lights off in the 4x4 tent and just after light on in the 2x4 tent.
There seems to be a hole!

3BOG is sitting on the floor of the tent. Lets see if it helps!
Pro tip of the day #2…..

When going to run peoples food orders make sure u pack a lunch! ;)

Pro tip #2 part B

Make sure u eat before you go so u don’t get tempted to steal fries outta the peoples bag! Lucky for them tonight I had eaten plus nobody had fries anyways! Plus they tape the bags shut even if I was shady enough to do that so basically u just gotta be teased by the aroma! Good thing tonight peeps had pizza and salads! :thumbsup:
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