I was raised by my grandmother and aunt through my teenage years moved out at 17 but still came home every Sunday with the kid and the dogs cuz grandma missed feeding people. And I of course was happy to be on fridge cleaning

Providing a Service...making sure nothing goes out of date in the fridge.........

....Well Done.......
In the UK hubbys favourite food was shepheards pie..
He'd worked away for 4 days....so I made a Massive one for him coming home........

...it just come out the oven as he walked through the door.....
He said...just put me a little bit on a plate...I could do with a couple pints and a chill...and we'll have it when we get back.
I left a note for son saying shepherds pie in the oven....help yourself........

.{2 lbs mince..2-3 lb of tatties....}
2 hours later we are back...hubby is bouncing up and down in excitement.....where is the pie....checked the oven....nothing...
Has he put it in the fridge......?....nope.....
Where the freak has he put it...?...........
It wasn't til we saw the oven dish in the sink that we realised he had eaten the flipping Lot..................
Nearest he come to actually getting murdered........