Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Did someone say its Caturday? Or catch a cat a day?

That was caused by wind?

Looks like something dropped onto the middle spars.. both......:pass:....

The wind gusted up just for a few minutes and was mashed.

We knew when we saw the frame it was much too light to hold a 6 mtr long tunnel cover in a high wind....but we at least Thought we would get the winter out of it......:pass: ...and the wind ony gusted up to 21 kilometers.that is Nowt compared to winter wnd speeds.

Not Fit for waste of money and effort.
Morning kittens....68f, clear, coffee is good, back feeling 3 pumpkins that are looking at me funny so first order of today's business is to teach them a lesson....before the back starts acting up....think I got son in law lined up to help me....kinda hard to film and smash at the same time since I don't have a tripod thingie...

Go ....Assassinate those Pumpkins....... :pighug: ...but Watch your back....
think I got son in law lined up to help me....kinda hard to film and smash at the same time since I don't have a tripod thingie...

Hmmmm....hmmmmmmmmmm.......... :pass:

Have you Thought about making the SIL smash them.....and You hold the camera............?..............:photog:.......
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