Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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Will a weed plant grow just in the ground? In earth soil? I got one I planted in the dirt and mixed in royal gold veg nutes into the's next to a sweet pepper plant...we have good dirt in are yard...let's see...
Will a weed plant grow just in the ground? In earth soil? I got one I planted in the dirt and mixed in royal gold veg nutes into the's next to a sweet pepper plant...we have good dirt in are yard...let's see...

My buddy does that it works ok but he also fertilizes the ground around it.. Also sometimes he digs out a hole and puts potting soil in the ground.. He stuff is ok but I don’t think I fertilize properly but it’s his monkey so he can do what he wants :headbang:
My buddy does that it works ok but he also fertilizes the ground around it.. Also sometimes he digs out a hole and puts potting soil in the ground.. He stuff is ok but I don’t think I fertilize properly but it’s his monkey so he can do what he wants :headbang:
Back years ago...growing Guerilla in the Bramble clearings. We would dig a tad deeper hole than necessary and throw a few fish in the bottom, backfill over them, plant the seeds and away we went. Going back months later, you could see the NL towering above the bushes ..Our NL produced some of the finest buds using this simple method...

Will a weed plant grow just in the ground? In earth soil? I got one I planted in the dirt and mixed in royal gold veg nutes into the's next to a sweet pepper plant...we have good dirt in are yard...let's see...
Is that so … is that what you were doing yesterday when I took my mini nap 🤔 hella suspicious 🤨 I thought my cameras were to catch people trying to break in now I have to watch the cameras to see what your doing when I’m not there or busy ok I got you !
My buddy does that it works ok but he also fertilizes the ground around it.. Also sometimes he digs out a hole and puts potting soil in the ground.. He stuff is ok but I don’t think I fertilize properly but it’s his monkey so he can do what he wants :headbang:
I'm just testing to see if it will...I put fertilizer around it also well Royal Gold Humboldts veg..
You making your own grow light?
Yes, actually it has already been running thru two grows so far, as well as my bonsai grows. I am currently just incorporating everything into a case, it is currently setup to drive 16 of the CreScience Flux strips, upgradable to 20.
Here is a pic showing the previous rendition,
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