Just one thing to point out for him, so there's no misunderstanding. The 4th bucket of cold water is not freezing cold water or anything close to freezing. You don't wanna bust off any trichomes.I would be constipated for a month if I ate that much cheese at one time.
Don't overreact! Turn off the circulating fans, Harvest the plant that is so susceptible ASAP, be as careful as possible getting it out of the tent, maybe even put a plastic bag over it before disturbing it. Take it out of the house. Turn your fans back on. Cut 1" below obvious rot, Dispose of the rot in a closed plastic bag or bury it in the yard. To wash the remaining plant you need 4 - 5 gallon buckets The first bucket is 1L of hydrogen peroxide to 4 gallons tepid water, The next bucket is 1 cup of lemon Juice and 1 cup baking soda in 4 gallons of tepid water, the next bucket is 4 gallons tepid water and the last bucket is 4 gallons of cold water. Cut the stems into manageable pieces that will fully submerge and wash them by swishing around starting in the first bucket for 30 seconds set aside and continue until all of the plant has been washed in the h2o2, wash your hands then process the stems in the 2nd bucket followed immediately by the 3rd and then 4th buckets. Shake as much water off as you can and hang to dry in a well ventilated place. Bud rot that you did not see will be stopped but the damage will remain. It usually is not much and the dry weed will be just as good as if you never had the problem. Clean your grow space as well as you can before the next grow.
Ps many people wash their outdoor plants in the last 3 buckets (no H2O2 needed) as a matter of SOP. You would not believe how dirty outdoor plants can be.
Yeah, I used the 4 bucket method in washing The outdoor Asian haze. I thought she was pretty clean!
I'd always wash outdoor grown girls! That's for sure!
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