Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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My grandad allegedly "sprang out of the Texas soil" in 1897 in Smithfield, TX. He used Campho-Phenique on everything: cuts, chigger bites, bee stings, etc.
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OK, if you had just a couple of bites you put your finger over the opening and flip it upside down and then back upright and damn your wound or bite. If you had a munch it's cotton ball time!

........................ I still have a bottle in my overnight bag. It's old AF! I think it was one of the things mom included in one of my care packages on my last deployment. I bet that bottle is older than some of our members here.

You could use it to` back ticks out too. It was the camphor.
Chiggers , ticks and mosquitoes absolutely loved my Dad! He was the skeeter Canary! He was always the first one the mosquitoes went after!

When we went hunting, we can walk the exact same path and when we got back to camp, pop has five or six to my one, if I had any. And there was a ritual when arriving at camp. We always took our coats off before entering the cabin to shake the ticks off. My job was to get a fire started, while pop put up our guns and started checking himself for ticks. We always disrobed and shook out our clothes on one end of the cabin, the end opposite of the beds. Pop always said, "That's like a five-mile hike for them to get a meal. I think we're safe for tonight."
Pop tried different things as a preventive of sorts. There were actually pills for human consumption that we're supposed to be for repelling of insects, such as mosquitoes and ticks. There were sulfur tablets and then there were garlic tablets. And this was before the better tasting garlic supplement they have today. He would mainly take it about a month before deer season. It did seem to help a little, but they still ate his butt! :crying:
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