Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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I smoke too much weed to remember and am far too lazy to scroll back and see but whoever had them aphids u need to treat the ants 1st! Says the ants will kill any beneficial insects added to protect the aphids so u gotta treat them before releasing any kind of beneficial bug! And although they have wings if u release lacewing larvae and they make it to adulthood and aphids are still around they will lay their eggs on that plant so they emerge with a food source! I have only once in 3yrs found a plant that ladybugs hung around and laid their eggs on! I had no idea they were ladybug eggs at the time tho! Left em alone cuz looked like they came from a beneficial bug of some kind!
Afternoon @N/A-Greengo .. :bighug: .. #SharingOne.......

What's the Favorite cross you have grown so far this year........... 1 Only..........:biggrin:
Afternoon @Mossy!


Without a doubt Mephisto Genetics Sundae Thumper. She's loud and proud and has quite lengthy effects.....But Old School Mango Haze hasn't been harvested yet, and that opinion may change in short order. :smokeit:

Afternoon @Mossy!


Without a doubt Mephisto Genetics Sundae Thumper. She's loud and proud and has quite lengthy effects.....But Old School Mango Haze hasn't been harvested yet, and that opinion may change in short order. :smokeit:


Cheers @JP1 .... :headbang: ....I'll ask again at the end of the Year............:pass:
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