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This shit is crazy……… this lady I know has always had a bit of a cough (I’ve known her for 15ish years and she’s always had it)….. she always said it was related to allergies.

Anyway, a couple months ago her doctor wanted to check it out, and did a test, followed by more tests, and so on.

She was diagnosed with advanced stage metastatic small cell lung cancer and given 6-9 months to live, with or without treatment.

She was never a smoker, or anything like that…
View attachment 1661591 Girl gets you into bad habits..........:crying:

Yup........:headbang:....especially when you are a #stoner .....:pighug:

Yeah, and she’s amazing when it comes to construction and handy stuff.
But sometimes we get into longer discussions about minor difficulties as she got severe ADHD with maximum dosage of Lisdexamfetamine ordinated by her doctor 🤣.

And what happened - right after my last message my father in law comes honk-honk with his car, banging the door and asking if I can help him bring 130 gal diesel and demolition a 800gal steel-tank 🤣
It's not being smart enough to live in peace. It's just that some people think that they are entitled to power and to keep it at any cost. They don't think that they need to follow the rules.
A great deal of that is pretty much human nature and that's the way it's been pretty much since we moved out of the cave. In modern times, the problem occurs when those that were elected by the people, get the mindset that they now have power to utilize in any fashion they see fit. They don't have to follow the rules! Boy! Has that been true fairly recently!
The people in power need to realize that's just not the way it works. There are pretty easy ways to combat that though by the 'common person'. First and utmost, Do not be a follower and learn to think for yourself!
Don't be a sheeple!

One of the biggest problems is some people GIVE People in charge the power over them by Accepting the crumbs they throw at them to placate them. " If I don't do what they say, they're going to take this away from me!"

In modern times it's more nurturing than nature. If you were taught to think for yourself and draw your own conclusions from the information you gather, then the tendencies for you to be a follower or a sheeple are far less likely to occur. But sadly there are quite a considerable amount of people that don't possess those skills.

I do feel sorry for people that are like that. I've never been that way and have always an independent thinker. While it's not beyond my comprehension, it just does not make logical sense in my mind to be that way.

Think for yourself and draw your own conclusions and not from some fucking moron on the boob tube or computer screen telling you what you should think or what you saw with your own eyes! Let your own thoughts be truly your own!

I guess I better stop there before someone thinks that this is a political conversation.
Oh the irony of it all!:face:

It really wasn't all that long after I posted this, I had to call the post office to talk about a package coming in. I had just received an email update about the package. I had had a problem with an incorrect address showing up. I had contacted the company and they said that they corrected it, but this latest email had the incorrect address on it.
So I called the post office and after I finally got a person to answer, I explained the situation or at least part of it. I explain the part about the incorrect address, then correcting it and then getting the email in with incorrect address on it. I asked to see if I could get a hold put on it. She said no they couldn't put a hold on it. I began to start to explain that I have all the emails with the tracking numbers and everything like that to prove that it comes to me, but she kept over talking and interrupting me. After she finished interrupted me I actually got a question in, Then what are you going to do with the package? We will return to sender! Jesus! Fuck! Are you serious? She hung up immediately.

Yeah, I shouldn't have cursed. It did catch me by surprise, though. And it was not directed at her.

So call back after a little cooldown period. I get the same person. The first thing I say is I ask her if she was the same person I just spoke with. She affirmed that and I apologize for my French. I said I need to speak with the Postmaster please. She says, "I am the postmaster!" In an indignant tone.
To get out the statement, I think you were a bit unprofessional by hanging up on me. She began to interrupt me when I said the word unprofessional and started over talking. As soon as I would say something she would overtalk me. I tried to get out the fact that over talking is unprofessional conduct. She continued to overtalk. Absolutely would not let me get out my sentence without interruption. Then she hung up again!

I'll be calling the regional postmaster general today. Depending on their answer come I may be going down to the post office and videoing me expressing my grievance to my government. I will definitely find out whether this office through the postmaster general, has an agreement with local law enforcement that they are allowed to come on the property. Normally, unless there is an agreement with local authorities, only federal law enforcement have any jurisdiction inside the post office. Local police are not supposed to even bring their weapons into the post office if there is no agreement.

It might be kind of fun too!

Well at least I did get an email in from the company saying that they have corrected it but it did just pop up like that due to the old part of the system or some crap. At least it will get here.

Getting the package will help quite a bit, but so would a little positiveness from the district postmaster General. If I get the impression that there will be a conversation on the topic of professionalism, I'll be happy with that. If I get a line of BS, then I guess I better make sure I have plenty of memory on the phone or log on to a youtube account that I can go live on.
Ooooooh... @Suki bird................ :bighug: .....

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