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In this country i would be shocked if it wasn’t stolen and probably before you even made it home! Even if you could go straight home to get a vehicle and come back for it you would prob find it already MIA! If you were lucky u may find a crackhead pushing it up the street but highly doubt cops would be going to check a house if you find it for sale online!
We told the cops we were going round to the house to get it back but were advised not to cos they are heading to to the property to check the chasis number now and sieze it if it matches,
Coming along!


And outlier Z is the oldest! Think its 27 days today but who keeps track if such things! :shrug::rofl:

Dod first feed day before yesterday and noticed this tonight but hoping its just where i hit them lowest leaves with nutrient water when i watered! Rest of plant is def happy and only them lowest leaves I know i drenched with the watering can!
For those of you that were discussing L and fungus, both will make you completely goofy if you ingest enough. Unless you're diluting the crystal yourself, L now days isn't nearly the strength it was in the 60's/70's. The only reason for that is how much it is diluted.

As far as teeth grinding, L is a dopamine agonist and can make some grind their teeth. Something can be off with the chemistry as well, but arsenic is an urban myth

just my 2 cents...
Arsenic yes... strychnine no, I've seen a few lab reports, got a few LEOs in the family.
I partied with Timothy Leary on a barge in Sausalito :rofl: at least I was told I did. I was in a nether world. How's that for lost time and place? I went to a Doors concert in Bakersfield and enjoyed the music immensely, saw the whole show! Only problem was the concert had been canceled and I never left my house :rofl::rofl::rofl: The peyote with the Indian boys that were playing with a "White Boy" was perhaps the most "realistic" in that it was not colorful or distorted. Everything just looked normal but was not there. I saw my spirit god a Silver Wolf.

I dropped over 300 times, not all good. I can look at a textured ceiling and get patterns to this day. I never really came down.

I have had some wild shroom rides also but not like others hallucinogens' and I don't think I ever did it in an environment that I even needed to try to control it. What would be the point?
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