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For those of you that were discussing L and fungus, both will make you completely goofy if you ingest enough. Unless you're diluting the crystal yourself, L now days isn't nearly the strength it was in the 60's/70's. The only reason for that is how much it is diluted.

As far as teeth grinding, L is a dopamine agonist and can make some grind their teeth. Something can be off with the chemistry as well, but arsenic is an urban myth

just my 2 cents...
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You didn't eat enough!
I’m not a freaking amateur yall! I am surprised I haven’t melted my brain away from all the hallucinogens i did in my teens and twenties! If i took more yes it would give me visuals but also a more intense body high and I wasn’t too fond of the high with these shrooms! I want some amazonian or something with crazy visuals on a low dose so body high not so intense! :d5:
Citric acid helps break down the mushies. I just soak mine in lemon juice, toss the pulp and drink the shot. Works great and with out the stomach ach.
Mine was more while i was on an acid trip or even intense X! Good X cut with mescaline gave the craziest fucking visuals! Even trying to just focus on something it was like your vision would go super shaky all of a sudden similar to if u shook your head back and forth real fast and then it would just quickly focus again! I always called em the wobble wobbles cuz my vision would go so wonky and wobbly! I miss that shit!
Mine was more while i was on an acid trip or even intense X! Good X cut with mescaline gave the craziest fucking visuals! Even trying to just focus on something it was like your vision would go super shaky all of a sudden similar to if u shook your head back and forth real fast and then it would just quickly focus again! I always called em the wobble wobbles cuz my vision would go so wonky and wobbly! I miss that shit!

That wasn't mescaline, it was the Drano!
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