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I changed rooter pucks for this next grow. I wasn't really happy with the lack of decomposition with the older rooters.

I stopped soaking until I see a tail. Last run I did an 8 hour soak and then put them into the wet rooters and kept them warm. I had 13 out of 14 bloodstones to sprout and didn't have a loss on any of the other girls. I think some can be sensitive to having too long of a Soak In water.
I got the new pucks that BAS is now offering.
I’ll have to check those pucks out!
How many ounces do you think I'll get off this one?

Met a good new dr today, she were great, educated, smart and wise and if I were in her age, also kind of hot.

She were positive and friendly, we will start a 🧠-investigation to see what’s wrong or right with my mind 👍

By my way back home I bought this one -


Got it for $10, got 50% off the original price. 😀
Good morning from the Veg tent.


Witch Doc x Anvil I was going to chop and replace. Except like overnight it doubled in size and now I can't chop it.


Not super duper impressed with this OG Kush photo. Its a white label from NASC, so who knows what or who it really is.

But, its growing, its healthy, and you know if I chop it down it would turn out to be like some epic amazing bud, so I can't do it, lol.

I found a lost seed on my desk this morning. Not sure if it fell out of some bud, or if I lost one out of a pack, or what.

Growing this for a friend to make infused honey with.

Really looking forward to this seedstockers blackberry gum

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