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Good Morfnoevight All! EO.

I have to go to the store to get some mint for my albondigas soup. I just decided to make it this morning.

Morning everyone :pass:

So Im on the look out for cbd heavy strains Anyone have any suggestions, either photo or auto. Im going to try experimenting with making topical ointments. I tried this really awesome home made one after I screwed up my back this past weekend and it worked like a charm. Unfortunately it was only a sample the gf got from a client of hers, and I wanna see if I can make it too. Shes almost out.
The best salve I have made I used 207 Genetics Auto CBD Purple Kush, it is a 1:1. I also use some decarbed and some not decarbed. I have several old friends use it for arteritis. They say it works wonders.

Sorry @Mañ'O'Green.
Been busy since the new year and haven’t had time to work up a tutorial yet.
My 420autoflower scrog method does require a lot of work but it’s a proven way to not only double your yields but also grow higher quality product. My average plant weighs in around 500-600 grams (dry weight) of all top shelf colas and I can turn just about any 15 inch tall plant into a monster with just basic LST, a bit of HST, some cheap 3” nylon netting and a lot of pruning.
There’s no topping with my method to guarantee me the biggest and fattest colas possible. Instead of topping I use a bent coat hanger stake around day 15 to hold down the main top (LST) for 12-14 days. After a couple weeks of having the main top pointing horizontal I end up with a nice bushy plant with 10-12 mains and plenty of side branching.
A week after I see my first preflower pistil I completely flatten out the plant to the base of the stock by using pliers to super crop all the stiff branches (HST), and by keeping the tops on the main branches pointing horizontal under the net for the last 10-14 days of preflower stretch helps the small weaker nodes grow into large colas. Even the smallest nodes that are usually picked off or turn into larf on a naturally grown plant will grow into large dense colas with this method. Also, by having all the colas growing at the top of the canopy they all share the same density and trichome production and the finish product is always higher quality than a naturally grown plant.
Down below are a few examples of plants I’ve recently grown in the past few months using my scrog method

Only 1 bent coat hanger stake per plant is all that’s needed to create a plant with many main tops.
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Seedstockers Panty Punch Auto
952 grams
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View attachment 1667248 Acapulco Golds
Pheno on the right was 1275 grams and the pheno on the left was 1188 grams
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A couple of @Sawney_beans Hellraisers
450 grams each
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View attachment 1667284
Thank you, I think that forcing the main cola horizontal breaks the apical dominance the same as topping but saves the cola! It is a proven fact that HST (splitting the sock) will improve the THC content of a plant. I am sure that super cropping with pliers qualifies as HST :rofl: It is a fantastic growing method and deserves to be named after you.

I am still to lazy and do not have the space.:shrug:

I read another article about the legal carts in CA having pesticide residues. No surprise there. The state Cannabis Board says they don't have the resources needed to do the testing :crying:
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