Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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U didn’t make that RSO with ISO did u? U are confusing me here! I hope to god u are talking about cleaning the pan not cooking the RSO!

Yes, I made it with iso.

I did a bunch of googling. Some places said iso, some said everclear.

@Jpkindbud even posted a howto

that specifically says iso.
Next time definitely gonna get the 99% isopropyl instead of 91%, which is all I could find locally. Getting that water out of it was a pain, and I think I could have reduced it further, but it was sticking all over the pan, so I just had to make a judgement call.

That was roughly 3 plants worth of trim.

But I definitely like it as a method for using up a whole bunch of trim all at once. And you can use the RSO for edibles, or just by its self on a cracker, or whatever.
I'd recommend getting 200 proof food or pharmaceutical grade ethanol (alcohol) so it fully evaporates, thats pretty much the current standard reccomendation Ive found for homemade/medicinal RSO/FECO.
Also, did you just use trim? RSO/FECO is really meant to be full plant, trim + flower.
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Yes, I made it with iso.

I did a bunch of googling. Some places said iso, some said everclear.

@Jpkindbud even posted a howto

that specifically says iso.
Again…. If you’re going to consume it, use something consumable. Don’t expect yourself to get 100% of the solvent out….

Just because someone else does it doesn’t make it safe…. Don’t poison your medicine…
I'd recommend getting 200 so it fully evaporates, thats pretty much the current standard reccomendation Ive found medical for homemade RSO/FECO.
Also, did you just use trim? RSO/FECO is really meant to be full plant, trim + flower.

Yes. I used just trim.
i've said it 1000 timez before & i'll say it again -> 100% acetone in the fingernail polish aisle at walfart....$3 for 16 oz....BUY IT DAMNIT! :doh: ppp
Definitely wouldn't use it to make rso. Wouldn't even really use iso unless it's food grade. But he does use battery acid as pH adjusters so who knows :shrug:
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