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That’s quite a long veg for photo’s no? Why do I get the feeling they’re going to be huge. I believe the general rule of thumb is plan on them tripling in size after flip :toke::goodluck:

Yes, i believe you are correct, but what’ve read about this strain is that it doesn’t stretch that much.
However there are some phenos that will do that.
If we are going to grow buds, can’t we then try to do it at least decent so we don’t stand there in the end with tiny, airy popcorn-buds.
I rather go for a bigger harvest of bigger buds with more potency 😄.
I like big plants. :growing:
Sent some seeds out on a trade with a dude I found on reddit that has some Blue Microverse F5 seeds, and some interesting crosses with them that he promises to reciprocate with. I told him I'm not gonna expect him to send them based on my word, I'll send mine first and he can send back when he gets them.

Went to the post office and the post master lady started asking me what I'd put in the bubble mailer because it hardly weighed anything. I was like...uh.....some seeds...?

She took that answer, lol.
Welp….. I FINALLY got some sleep last night after not sleeping for kind of a long time…. There was a 2 am dab session to help get back to sleep :rofl: So we’ll see how the day progresses… hopefully the ptsd has scaled back to a manageable level.

Crazy how this happens…. I didn’t realize it, but we’re approaching the anniversary of one of the events that caused the PTSD in the first place…… I didn’t realize it, even had to look up some dates to verify….. my subconscious remembered though. The brain is a complex and fascinating thing….. and when it fucks up, it happens in bizarre ways :doh::rofl::pass:
Sometimes it's very obvious and other times you got to really search to find the reason of the trigger.
I really don't think there is a time when there is not a trigger. There are sometimes though when that trigger can be quite elusive to figure out what it was.

I have known trigger dates and no matter how far out of mind they are to the conscious, the subconscious never fucking forgets. I attribute most of that to our ingrained Fight or Flight instinct.

Those "no rhyme or reason" outbreaks, at least that what's obvious to the conscious mind, I think those are the most frustrating to deal with.

I do think the most important skills to develop is to recognize when you are in an episode. I will still occasionally miss the signs. I kinda recognize what's going on with people start looking at me funny or apprehensive.

I learned early on that cops in certain situations could be a trigger. That really confused the hell out of me. It wasn't all the time or it with every encounter. I did finally figure out what the particular trigger was. the trigger was always in a situation where I thought the cop was lying to me or trying to get something over me. My silly ass subconscious correlated that impression with the pure POS that purposely gave bad intel that cost lives. To this day there was no accountability.
I think my subconscious correlates the two as Governmental misconducts. Lies has always spun me up in my whole life, so it's pretty easy to see where my subconscious would make that association. Maybe it's my sense of injustice also. With no accountability or atonement for a needless loss of life, I've never been able to find any sort of closure.

You'd think that crap would fade over the decades!:face:

I guess sorta I've been blessed, whether through luck or trending towards more self-isolation, it's been a few years, since I've been in a scary situation with law enforcement, not scary for what they would do, but for what I would do. The idiot finally arrived on scene where delays could have caused quite a few lives lost and very narrowly almost did. This idiot started barking stupid orders to the people that had already handled the situation before he got there. When I tried to nicely inform him of what had occurred, all I got was more bullshit * stupidity and unlawful orders. When I informed this officer that he need to chill a bit, he made an aggressive move toward me. The Fight or Flight instinct came up and Flight wasn't in the plans. I was able to stave off the instinct, but my neighbor really helped it by hollering at the officer and redirecting his attention. Although it was extremely tempting to execute my planning when his attention was directed elsewhere. He had no idea how close he was. And that's the scary part.

Yeah, I did control my instincts, as difficult as it was. The problem is of how close it was into being thrown into action. It didn't help that I was angry as hell with this idiot. My neighbor and I had put our ass on the line to correct something that should have been the authorities job to do, but they decided to take their own sweet time, even though they have been informed many times that the situation was quite dire.
I guess I can be thankful that my neighbor drew his attention. He spent some time in the sandbox as a Marine Logistics engineer in support of the combat troops. Hey you guys know that's very close support and sometimes they are in the hot action. Being a Marine and also around a bunch of Sailors, you could describe his verbiage as 'colorful' in response to the officer. I think that helped me in gathering my thoughts and calming my instincts. I then laid into his ass like my neighbor was doing!:eyebrows::crying::crying::crying:

A supervisor rolled up as we were giving the first officer his well-earned ration of doody. At least this guy was attentive and quickly assessed the situation . I saw a chuckle and shake his head and then tell Mr Goober head to get in his car and go block traffic further up. He had heard some of what his officer said and we informed him of the rest of his stupidity!

Like you said yesterday, you know when there are days when you need to stay home. While some people may think that it's a bad thing, missing out on life.......ect................. We know it's a good thing! Being able to recognize the problem is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome. Since there are a lot of those hurdles, at least getting one of them out of the way is pretty damn good!

And having an A-type Personality doesn't help !:crying:

Enough BS! Is grow room time! Everybody have a fine Wednesday!

Ohh yeah, Happy Valentine's Day!

Starting to dig in the yard
IME when RBF cures, it releases a prominent Pine tree odour, with a touch of Kitty Litter along with Safrole.

All right, there's that missing taste that couldn't put my finger on............Safrole.
It's kind of strange that most all of the pinene is already gone.
I'm kind of thinking though that the cobbing is best utilized orally. I got a little bit of a buzz, but I didn't really hit it very hard. The root beer is still there though on the inhale, but only after several hits for some reason.

The best thing about using this herbal air is that I usually eat the contents after I vaped it. That ought to be especially good with cobbing.

I'm gonna hit it a little bit more and then I'm gonna put some Mack N Crack in there to try. I haven't vaped or smoked any of it yet.
Anyone know what these little white horn thingies are that are popping out of the top of the flower? Plants are close to harvest. Should I chop? Thanks.View attachment 1665501

thoze are jus new pistilz, no more, no pistilz will continue to pop out right up until'z simply a built-in survival mechanizm of the plant & nothin to worry about ;) ppp

The earth is not flat even many believed that.

SSHHH!! @Hotfire still believez it................................................................but u didn't hear it from me :rolleyes2: ppp
thoze are jus new pistilz, no more, no pistilz will continue to pop out right up until'z simply a built-in survival mechanizm of the plant & nothin to worry about ;) ppp

SSHHH!! @Hotfire still believez it................................................................but u didn't hear it from me :rolleyes2: ppp
Thanks 420, they seemingly popped up overnight and I was thinking they were going hermie. 80 days I know I'm getting close.
Thanks 420, they seemingly popped up overnight and I was thinking they were going hermie. 80 days I know I'm getting close.
You want to harvest based off of trichomes. Most look for all cloudy, with a bit of amber…. :pass: Although there are other harvest points depending on what you’re going for..
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