Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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Anybody ever seen this before?? All 3 plants I’ve ran of this strain have acted weird as shit! 2 of the 3 sprouted nuts and this 1 sure is an ugly ass wonky donkey! :cuss:
Upper buds look like this almost like excess N has made ridiculous unnecessary leaf growth! No leaf claw and can tell by shade of green def not excess N so no idea what’s the issue! :shrug:
:eek1:...looks fragg'ed, like genetically... Unless there was some sort of feeding hiccup which I doubt knowing you, but stoner shit happens on rare occasion- :rofl:

Who are they FF, breeder/cultivar?
It does have the look of a "reveg'", and if N tox' was causing this it'd show on other leaves glaringly I'd say.... and it ain't sooooo,... I predict nothing but crap from them, bad seeds - bad luck pheno's most likely....
:eek1:...looks fragg'ed, like genetically... Unless there was some sort of feeding hiccup which I doubt knowing you, but stoner shit happens on rare occasion- :rofl:

Who are they FF, breeder/cultivar?
It does have the look of a "reveg'", and if N tox' was causing this it'd show on other leaves glaringly I'd say.... and it ain't sooooo,... I predict nothing but crap from them, bad seeds - bad luck pheno's most likely....
It’s some photo fems from cannarado so not a lil wonky breeder! Strain is weave match which is their Carbon Fiber X London Pound Cake (#75 I think) and only thing I can come up with is maybe this strain is extremely sensitive to feeds and only needs a lil to go! Think when in the future I attempt it again I’ll do it in some good soil that’ll take it most of the way on its own and maybe all the way with a few supplemental teas! Need a good soil recipe that don’t have 30 ingredients so I can just mix up my own but need something better then damn Coots recipe cuz it ain’t cutting it! Daz has a good auto 1 but has tons of ingredients and I only have a few of them on hand! Have tons of dry amendments just not the ones his recipe calls for!
Evening guys. Do we have an electrician on board?

I have noticed on my plant that it beeing hit by an electric current coming from the wall.
I have seen this outdoor on trees and bushes where they just die off - creating either a hole or kills a bit of the bush/tree, and in some severe occasions they can’t be saved.

I believe it’s airborne electricity wich jumps from one pool to another, by insecure/faulty wiring in the early days.

I believe this can cause cancer and other illnesses if one is unlucky and having their bed in the path of a stream with electricity, just like the one hitting my plant.

Do you guys know anything about this?

Hey, even the best breeders can get wonky pheno's, it's part of the gamble with all seeds, right? :smoking: ... but reading what you said here, it could very well be nutritional...:shrug:

I don't mix my own dry amendments, so recipes I can't comment on,... RTU products have ingredients, but not proportions so that's no help!
But a well balanced lasting near "water only" super type soil will have quite the variety of components,....
Have a look at KIS Organics Nutrient Pack... been using that 2 years now, and I don't see a single good reason to go back to mineral salt nutes given it's performance :greenthumb:.... maybe you can analyze their ingredients and retool your blend?
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