Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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I tried tomato spikes one time outdoors, it didn't work well. But if you have some extra seeds hanging around, I'll bet that the compost pile might work well enough for a go. Not much down side to trying, if you have some seeds that didn't cost an arm and a leg. Having some RotBlock in hand might be a good idea.

Good luck wiith it. :biggrin:

It would be a cool experiment. I'm sure it would be productive and very easy. It really should be a water only set up.
When we legalize, I'll surely do it.
Screenshot_20220216-122851_aTLi Cam.jpg

Freshly reorganized tent, yay! Little neem tree on the far right seems to be doing just fine in her tiny pot which is surprising. Suppose I should move her up to a 1gal eventually.
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The most advanced solo girl at the moment:

And, the verdict is, very close, but not quite. Maybe a couple more days. :biggrin:

This is one of my two cbd crosses in solos, the second one is a slightly different pheno, and a few days or so behind this girl. The Auto PK is also a few days behind, and the Mephisto Fugue State will be at least a week or ten days later.

Patience, patience Mr. OF. :biggrin:
It would be a cool experiment. I'm sure it would be productive and very easy. It really should be a water only set up.
When we legalize, I'll surely do it.
Damn, I forgot that you were not legal. Definitely not now then, but once the rules (moronic rules) get sorted, give 'er!
Mrs. D isnt feeling well this morning so I've so I stayed home. These damn drs need to get a move on they told us Monday that surgery was required but had wait on cultures and no meds of any kind to help with infection seems odd to me. She's really hurting and can't get up and move around without pain:grrr1: . I'm just grateful my partner has been a gem through this all couldnt ask for a better person to be teamed up with
Sorry to hear that you two are having a tough day, good luck with it, I hope you get through it with the minimum possible trouble. :pighug:
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