Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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I just smoked with my GF and it’s the first time she smokes the way i subscribe, just 5 sips and NO alcohol.

The results -

We could talk on a normal relaxad level. We prepared food together, eat together and watched a movie until she fell asleep - without her beeing stressed out by other factors - wounderful.

And this is how life should be - no stress, no stressed surroundings or people’s - just simple.

I have also learned that by observing myself and my GF and both having some high tones in the cloud i believe i have learned what suits people like us - clear, UP-high sativas - NO indicas. CBD and CBG or THC-V is something i need to look in to.


I cant believe this medicine has been or still is forbidden in some states or country’s.
When I was a kid we had a dog that was particularly good at that. She would fart, jump up and look behind her, and move to somewhere else. That was the warning about what was coming... :biggrin:
Hell she just stayed put didnt miss a beat snoring :crying:
Hope I never got anyone in trouble!!!
But if I did I hope they took it with a pinch of salt. :yay:haha

it'z all good :thumbsup: all anyone has to do is report it, then we decide what to do with it, either way, so... ;) we do catch most of it as it comez thru the door, but here & there, one will slip by & that'z where we rely on member support, like u :thanks: :headbang: ppp
1 more healthy meal down the hatch! :headbang:
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