Need to eat something and then we will be dropping the boys off at gmas and taking little miss skating again since dad is off today and she loved it so much. She skated the whole 3 hours last time so I know it'll be worthwhile for her but I can all but guarantee the boys would do it for like 5 minutes and be bored or fall and cry and want to leave or have to leave cause they broke an arm or something. No thanks. They don't have an arcade or play area or anything so I'm not paying an extra $18 just for them to come along and complain the whole time. Not to mention they've been rather bad this week while #3 has been going above and beyond and picking up their slack by doing their chores without anyone asking her to when they've been neglecting them, so yeah. Add to that several nights of sneaking stuff out of our room (tv remote for their room, as well as downstairs, #2s chromebook that was issued by the school so I can't put parental control locks on it and shut down overnight access, etc) and staying up all night and yeah no not going to reward them for all that.