That Apogee DLI600 meter looks pretty sweet, but at $525 it's about $500 beyond my amateur homegrow PPFD budget.
My $25 chinee light meter calculates DLI, has calibration presets for 3000k, 3500k and 4000k LED's, as well as other common grow lights. Or you can calibrate it yrself to growlight mfg specs. The bluetooth connection is nice so I can see the readout on my phone without looking at the device under the bright lights. Once I fugured out how far away my lights need to be i don't use it much.
I guess the price went up a bit:
My $25 chinee light meter calculates DLI, has calibration presets for 3000k, 3500k and 4000k LED's, as well as other common grow lights. Or you can calibrate it yrself to growlight mfg specs. The bluetooth connection is nice so I can see the readout on my phone without looking at the device under the bright lights. Once I fugured out how far away my lights need to be i don't use it much.
I guess the price went up a bit:

UNI-T UT383BT Digital Bluetooth LuxmeterMini Light Meter Handheld Type Luxmeter | eBay
Take note: Uni-t factory supplies English, French, German and Spanish version user manual, can be downloaded directly from the Uni-t website. Light weight, user friendly interface.