Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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:smoking: ppp
The last few days have been really rough, after my no sleep weekend idk if it destroyed my immune system or if its just coincidence or what but I've been really sick and so that had made things even more rough. Having to fight insurance to get my new meds going (of course :face:) and woke up too late to take my current ones yesterday so I'm in the wake of that which isn't too bad day of but the next day is shitty (worse so if I repeat not taking them). Took them way late today so I'm going to be up late again but two days of not taking them is extra bad so lesser of two evils I guess. Idk. Nothing seems to help me get sleep, no matter how much I vape or whatever lately which is shitty too. I'm just tired and sick and cranky and sad. Mostly sad. This shitty weather definitely isn't helping, and isolation is really fucking with me too. I've been pretty MIA everywhere but here, and even the few random times I've gone MIA here even for just a day or two you guys are really the only ones who have noticed or seem to care at all. Its hard when you realize that no one who knows you in the real world even notices when you fall off the radar for days or weeks or months at a time. Hell, my own mom didn't even realize anything was wrong over the weekend until I called and talked to her about it on Tuesday. Its just hard to process the fact that you mean so little to people who you thought cared about you that they don't even notice when you disappear.

Sorry for being such a consistent downer lately. I don't mean to kill the vibe so often I just have been feeling especially alone here lately and I know at least a handful of you can relate to at least some of what I'm going through. I spend a lot of time just feeling like a burden to everyone around me and that feeling that everyone would be better off without me around is really really hard to shake.
I can SURELY identify with some of that, for sure.
Something I've had to do that has helped considerately, but is fairly difficult to put into action.
I've tried to not let or lessen others influence on my feeling of well-being, either by their action or lack there of. I refuse to allow their opinion of me and my actions change how I feel about me. I had to recognize that I can't control other's actions really in any matter. I can only control my actions and how I react to them.
That's pretty hard for a typical A-type personality. We think can control everything and attempt to do so. The Military only strengthened and bolstered that thought process. I got shit done and that made my superiors happy. It worked in that environment! The ONLY time the Navy said no to me was when I was discharged. I did NOT want out! I was a pawn and the medical officer did not want the responsibility with me and my injuries aboard the ship, even though I had been cleared for full duty by a medical board. He was being groomed for bigger things. Aircraft carrier duty is very dangerous, no matter what job you do onboard. He didn't want it on his record if something happened to me.
Me being me, I didn't take it lying down. I got a hold of both of my Senators and my Representative. Even though one of the Senators was very powerful, they all came back with there was nothing they could do.
That still wasn't good enough for me!:rofl: I fought it. If I could go to sea, oh well! My skills could be used in many places. Why throw away all that training and experience????? But that didn't matter.

My transition to civilian life was rough for my personality. Being told "No" was just one thing I was not used to hearing at work! LOL! That was the beginning of me having to not let others screw ME up with how I dealt with them. I still have problems, but recognizing it for what it is, is the first step.
Brand new study about effects of CBD on COVID. Peer reviewed and published and the whole 9. This one actually impressed my medical field wife. Click the links for the nerdy stuff. Wouldn't it be crazy if we could easily grow our own medicine but the government will still require shots and pills? This COVID thing could actually lead to federal legalization and real big money pharma testing
Matbe dat iz why neva did ketch dat dere covid thang.!

Breathe in... :pass:.. breathe out.......

Breathe in...:pass:..breathe out.....

Manage that....?...:biggrin:...CONGRATULATIONS......we've Survived another week.......:vibe:..Award yourself an extra smoke break....:bravo:

Happy Caturday...

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