Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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Good morning everyone :coffee:

In Friday it’s prison-time so I’m gonna be very high these 4 last days :smoking:

See you on or around May 20th. I hope the time passes quickly for you. If you're serious on starting your business, that's an opportunity to focus and do research.
Can't sleep an I got to get my lil boy to school soon at 6am his bus comes super early. Tomorrow's his 8 year birthday I gotta go to the city an get him some presents .

Aw Bless him...send a Big Fat Hug from me......:bighug:
Googe up how much it costs to keep a person in prison for week...then Think of the cost of keeeping you there was something so Pathetic...:shrug:.....the tax payers should is their taxes that are being used..

That is one of the main reasons why they will not legalize in every state here in the US. Too many "for profit" private prisons. They have openly stated lobbying against legalizsation as it would reduce their revenue streams. Removing all the arrests and sentences for posession, paraphernalia, etc... would remove a constant fill rate. Especially of black, brown, and any type of poor person.

Once you have a record, it's impossible to move past and repeat terms are almost guaranteed. The taxpayers foot the bill and the rich prison owners continue to collect. It's truly disgusting yet everyone has these baked in Puritan ideals and think people need to be punished. Even after serving a sentence they need to continue to be punished for life.
Window licker

I could be there in time for dinner lmfao. Pretty straight shot from 64-81 here :rofl:
Had pork chops and baked potatoes. Standard fair. 64 will get you close. With in a half hour.
I also have a lot of family down around the beach. Spent a lot of time there. Enough to know the Mountains are for me. :baked:
Woohooo! Another melty day, today. Had snowmelt yesterday, too. Annnnndddddd, the wind is going to be under twenty mph, too!

Have a meeting here, tomorrow, so will probably spend more time cleaning house than i would, otherwise. I'd say "Wouldn't it be nice if i could retire from housework?", but that probably would mean the old folks' home, or worse.
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