Good morfnoevight All you Happy TGIF Stoners!
No carbs for me today after yesterdays pizza and ale splurge. The pizza was so delicious I pigged out!
Yes, I have eaten his (or some like it) buffalo mozzarella. I think the Bison is too closely related to the bovine family and the cheese caused inflammation. That is ok though since there are a lot of sheep and goat milk cheeses that are ok for me.
So 118g to 13.8 rosin, that is a pretty good yield for a CBD strain.
I decarb after pressing into rosin.
An ethanol tincture that has been decarbed will enter the blood stream fastest sublingual but it still needs to be metabolized in the liver. This does work faster for some of it and you will feel it but most still takes a couple of hours to completely get into the system
Type 2 here as well, and I don't think I absorb any different from others. MCT oil tincture is what I make, and although some of the cannabinoids are likely absorbed directly under the tongue, I have read that most end up being processed after making their way through the stomach with saliva, and have to be processed by the liver. The ingested stuff will always take a while to kick in, and I have not heard of an effective way to speed it up.
I hate alcohol tincture due to the mouth burn, so only use MCT. So far, I have not tried lecithin.
My first decarb of rosin was before adding it to the MCT, but I will mix and then decarb this time. The cbd rosin got weird during decarb and became a bit of a pain to get mixed, so I will mix first this time. Decarbing works fine either way. If already mixed, decarb until the bubbles stop.
My plan this time round is to make two tinctures, one THC, the other CBD, both lots stronger than needed. I can then mix to whatever thc/cbd ratio I want to try, and dilute with more MCT if lower strength is needed. The dearest needs to avoid really getting stoned, so for her I go at least 1:2 CBD:THC, but I need to do more testing for me. The CBD seems to defeat the sleep effectiveness a little bit for me, but I am not confident that I have it figured out yet.