None of the autos yet, got photos from them doing great. Gonna grab one of their mixed packs soon and see what pops up. Jean-O was who I heard about them from. Great genetics in their photos so I would assume the autos would be fire too!Has anyone grown any ethos autos? Don't hear much about them here in the auto realm. And 60 bucks for a 3 pack seems a bit steep with all the good competition out there. Not bashing anyone, just what my high ass is thinking about right now..
Peach Crescendo Auto » Ethos, Ethos - Autoflowering, Seeds
Buy Peach Crescendo Auto » Ethos, Ethos - Autoflowering, Seeds » Cannabis Seeds at North Atlantic Seed Co. » ETHOS GENETICS > PEACH CRESCENDO AUTO ((PEACH CRESCENDO X PIÑA AUTO) X (PEACH CRESCENDO X PIÑA AUTO) X (PEACH CRESCENDO X PIÑA AUTO)) Disregard
I use roots original organics potting soil straight out of the bag There are many others this is what I useGood day to all. Hope everyone is doing well and those who have been experiencing pain have little or no pain today.
Question regarding a 50/50 coco/perlite mix.
IF you had to buy premixed coco what would you buy. This is just for my first grow in maybe July or August, will learn to make my own later. Also I would assume that I should rinse the coco mix. What would that rinse process look like?
As always thanks for sharing your knowledge.
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You mean breeder? Or are you the guy with red eyes at the grow shop?