Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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With all that space bro u should give earthboxes a try! I live them but they take up too much room in a tent (to me anyways) cuz i like to be able to climb inside to water and topdress! Plus plants get huge so makes it even tougher to fit inside! This was 2 plants inside 1 box and a single plant depending on strain can get about as big!
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Just the 1 box took up half my 4x4 once plants got big so 2 boxes with plants that size i wouldn’t have been able to climb inside! With a whole room tho u can have plenty of boxes and enough room to move around the plants!
If I had a grow ROOM, there would be Earthboxes, but the would be at least one 3x3 or 4x4 bed where I could work all sides
Some more torture
We have a breeding pair of Red Tailed Hawks that live near our neighborhood and one year this little girl was going door to door looking for her puppy Chihuahua. I didn't have the heart to tell her what probably happened to her puppy "No honey I have not seen your puppy" :face:
She's gotta face life sometime! :face:

I kid! I kid!:funny::funny::funny::funny:
Spent like an hour and a half out front scanning and marking the natives in the tiny bed by the road and pulling invasives (big screw you to the Dutch Clover trying to smother everything else, along with the dead nettle 😑). Looks like lots of the Lance Leaved Coreopsis and Indian blanket took really well, along with one big clump of black eyed Susan. Also a bunch of Carolina Geraniums and looks like I got a lot of Partridge Peas too from where they self seeded. Also a handful of the Sulphur Cosmos which technically aren't native but the skippers absolutely loved them last year. Tossed some more seed out in the side bed even though there's already a ton of stuff coming up again already. Going through and scanning and tagging all of that bed is going to be an all day affair. Maybe I'll do that Sunday since hubby will be working all day on my birthday 😑😑
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