Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Somebody please tell me I'm dreaming and tomorrow is not Monday. Weekends go way to fast.
Howdy all. Been busy and haven’t had much time to check in. Soil grow going well probably the best grown so far. I am considering changing from soil to Coco in my next grow. Is there a good growing in Coco guide on AFN that I can study. Thank you and hope everyone is doing well. Puff
Howdy all. Been busy and haven’t had much time to check in. Soil grow going well probably the best grown so far. I am considering changing from soil to Coco in my next grow. Is there a good growing in Coco guide on AFN that I can study. Thank you and hope everyone is doing well. Puff
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Good Morfnoevight All you happy Sunday Live Stoners.

I have been eating a lot of carbs lately so I decided on a high protein breakfast today. Bacon, chicken sausage, egg and some strawberries from the farm market yesterday. The espresso was a Guatemala/Brazil 3 days off the fullcity roast :love:


Speaking of carbs I had a couple of these the other day.
@Son of Hobbes this is not as good as the IPAs I used to brew but it is indeed a fine example of the style.

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