Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Yesterday I decided I wanted to livestream some gaming again like I had been back in December. Get everything set up and my audio doesn't work. Fiddled with the settings for like 20 minutes till I got sick of it (there's only so many options lol) and said screw it, I'll just record and add a voice-over later, I can't play without sound lol and I wasn't getting anything from the game capture card through on my headphones to monitor and it was just driving me nuts. Hooked the headphones up directly to the console instead and played with sound in my headphones but none recording, it's fine, I can add music and a voice-over later whatever. Get on today to try to see if I can figure out the headphone issue and it connects with the sound immediately. Lmfao idk what I did different but I guess I'm streaming when I get home from dropping #3 at class lol.
Good Morfnoevight All you TGIF Live Stoners!


I forgot to post last nights dinner, a double bacon cheese burger!


So far I have two questions.

How do you include a person's name in your post? I have an alert that says quoted and I see names in green in the posts. Is that the @ symbol? Like a tag for the person?

What decisions do I need to make to start trying to grow a plant? I see a lot of information.

@Entombed do you have any experience growing vegetables or flowers in dirt outdoors? Indoors is similar but you control all of the environment. It is a steep learning curve but acquiring the right equipment from the beginning will make things a lot easier. Do not start buying things until you have a solid idea of what you want to do. You will save time and money by looking at how we do it here. There is a grower for every possible style of growing that will be glad to share their experiences with you. There are no stupid questions and we do not flame or troll anybody here!

would that copper tape work for chilis and other potted veggies? we get stormed with what i believe are aphids or some type or whiteish looking bugs and ants. ill have to take a picture when it gets hotter and i see them again.
You absolutely must get rid of the ants to control aphids. Ants farm aphids for the sweet secretions they exude. They protect them from predators, move them underground in the cold and move them from plant to plant. The best organic solution is to use Borax (20 Mule Team Boraxo) and sugar 50/50. Apply to trails near ant hills at sundown. You do not need much at each hill. Apply every day for 2 weeks. The ants will take the mixture back to the queen and it will kill the colony. Wash the aphids off the plants with water spray, use insecticidal soap to wash the sticky residue off the plants, this will encourage the ants to take the sweet borax back to the queen. Be vigilant because one single ant colony can destroy a 1/4 acre of plants over the summer.

With the cabinet down for the summer it is time to consolidate all the electronics and electrical into one "box", it is 12" wide, 7" tall and 11" deep. It will house a 350watt power supply, 3 Coralux pwm driver controllers and 20 Meanwell LDDseries led drivers.
Still have to cut out the openings for the screens on the controllers
Here is the "box", only 4 drivers in the pic
That’s not 21, it’s just the font and it’s A so just amnesia
Font/graphics/graffiti is my ting looool
Lol OK, I see it now hahaha! I don't even remember buying it. I have over 32 of their cultivars so it get a little foggy. You gotta admit... that A looks a lot like 21. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Stay lifted
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Happy 90th Birthday (tomorrow) Willie Nelson!
This is my new favorite song

So, Cali sober is stoned (moderate use) according to Dr Google. I’m pushing the upper boundaries then. Damn it, I drink beer. So I’m outta that club:oops1:
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