Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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I Like the 4 headed frogs.........rather than the single top bub.......makes a visible difference to the density of the whole plant..... :pass:

I've had 3 dabs this morning already.

Did you sleep in........?.............:crying:
My new RS 7gal autoflower bags arrived. They are the same height as the 5gallon, but a larger diameter. That addresses my only real complaint about the 5gal size, when you get a heavy tall plant it will make the bag lean and eventually fall over...... :headbang:
Just give them a little support..

The copper tape would work for any veg/flower pots @Hotfire .....but it is for Snails........I don't Think it works for ants or aphids.......... :pass:
ah i see! we dont get too many snails in the plants over here. the aphids and birds destroy any chilis we grow but they leave the tomatoes, squash, potatos, onions, garlic and lemons alone for the most part. screens help but the aphids can be pretty resilient little gangs that terrorize the chilis. gonna try an essential oil spray this year im sure they will be back, the neem wasnt doing it last year. :pass::bighug:


See you can give it nothing to go on and let it just make up it's only stuff, or you can feed it a little back story.


Mossy and Hobbes were lounging in the forest clearing, surrounded by the sweet scent of Mossy's dried flowers. Hobbes was on his third dab when he suggested, "Hey, Mossy, let's bring on some new seed companies. We need more variety."

Mossy snorted a cloud of smoke and shook her head. "No, Hobbes, we need more growers first. We can't handle the demand with our current number."

Hobbes shrugged and took another dab. "Well, I'll keep looking for new growers then. And speaking of variety, you should try this new concentrate. It's from a different strain of your dried flowers."

Mossy eyed the small jar of golden resin skeptically. "I don't know, Hobbes. I like my usual stuff."

Hobbes grinned. "Come on, live a little. You might find a new favorite." He offered Mossy the dab rig.

Mossy hesitated for a moment before taking the rig from Hobbes. She heated up the glass piece with her fiery breath and inhaled the vapors. She immediately felt a wave of euphoria wash over her, and the world around her seemed to slow down.

"Wow, Hobbes," Mossy said with a giggle. "This is great."

Hobbes chuckled. "Told you so."

Suddenly, they heard a commotion in the distance. They saw a group of young humans approaching, armed with axes and shovels. They were here to clear the forest and build a new town.

Mossy growled in anger. "These humans never learn. They keep destroying our home."

Hobbes grabbed his guitar and started playing a shredding riff. The humans paused, entranced by the music. Mossy used her major power, and the humans started to feel a sense of peace and calm. They lowered their weapons and sat down to enjoy the music and the dried flowers.

Meanwhile, Mossy and Hobbes used their medium powers to conjure up delicious snacks, including Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pies. The humans were delighted and started to see the forest in a new light.

As the night wore on, Mossy and Hobbes continued to play music and share their dried flowers and concentrates with the humans. By morning, the humans had abandoned their plans to clear the forest and instead had become advocates for preserving the natural beauty of the area.

Mossy and Hobbes looked at each other, their eyes shining with satisfaction. "I guess variety isn't always a bad thing," Mossy said, grinning at Hobbes.

Hobbes laughed. "I told you so, Mossy. Now, let's play some more music and enjoy this beautiful day."
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Once upon a time, in a land far away, there were two kinds of cannabis plants - photoperiod and autoflower. Photoperiod plants were larger and produced more buds, but they required a strict light schedule to flower. Autoflower plants were smaller, but they could flower regardless of the light schedule.

The two types of plants coexisted peacefully for many years, but one day, the photoperiod plants grew envious of the autoflowers' ability to flower without the need for a strict light schedule. They began to plot against the autoflowers, and before long, they had taken control of the fields.

The autoflowers were forced to flee to the outskirts of the land, where they struggled to survive. But they refused to give up, and they began to plan their revenge.

One day, a young autoflower named Rosie came up with a daring plan. She and her fellow autoflowers would sneak into the photoperiod fields and sabotage the plants' light schedules. If they could disrupt the photoperiod plants' flowering, the autoflowers would have a chance to take back the fields.

The plan was risky, but the autoflowers had nothing to lose. They snuck into the photoperiod fields at night, using their smaller size to avoid detection. They carefully adjusted the timers on the lights, causing the photoperiod plants to flower at the wrong time.

The photoperiod plants were furious when they discovered the sabotage, and they launched a full-scale attack on the autoflowers. The photoperiod plants were bigger and stronger, but the autoflowers had a secret weapon - their ability to flower quickly and without regard to light schedules.

As the photoperiod plants charged towards the autoflowers, the autoflowers began to flower in response. Buds burst forth from their stems, and the air was filled with a sweet, pungent aroma. The photoperiod plants were momentarily stunned by the sudden burst of growth, and the autoflowers seized the opportunity to strike.

Using their smaller size to their advantage, the autoflowers darted in and out of the photoperiod plants, nipping at their stems and leaves. The photoperiod plants were too slow to keep up, and before long, they were defeated.

The autoflowers emerged victorious, having saved the day with their quick growth and nimble movements. They reclaimed their rightful place in the fields, and from that day on, photoperiod and autoflower plants lived in harmony, each respecting the other's unique strengths.
big up rosie! :rofl:

It was a typical Tuesday afternoon when a group of bank robbers stormed into the First National Bank. They were armed to the teeth with guns, knives, and explosives, and they had already taken hostages.

As the police scrambled to set up a perimeter around the bank, a hero emerged from the crowd. It was none other than the Rainbow Butt hero, who had the power to shoot a beam of rainbow-colored light out of his butt.

The Rainbow Butt hero knew that he had to act fast to stop the robbers before they could hurt anyone. He sprinted towards the bank, and as he got closer, he saw the robbers through the windows, pointing their guns at the hostages.

Without hesitation, the Rainbow Butt hero unleashed his beam of rainbow-colored light at the robbers. The light was so mesmerizing that the robbers were momentarily distracted, giving the hostages a chance to escape.

However, when the robbers turned around and saw where the light had come from, they were utterly disgusted. They had never seen anything like it before, and it made them recoil in horror.

But the Rainbow Butt hero didn't give them a chance to recover. He charged into the bank, his rainbow-colored butt light illuminating the way. The robbers tried to shoot him, but their aim was off, as they were still recovering from the shock of his rainbow-colored butt.

The Rainbow Butt hero quickly incapacitated the robbers, using his rainbow-colored butt light to stun them long enough for the police to move in and arrest them.

Thanks to the Rainbow Butt hero's quick thinking and powerful rainbow-colored butt light, the hostages were rescued and the robbers were brought to justice. The city hailed him as a hero, and he knew that he would always be ready to use his rainbow-colored butt light to fight crime and protect the innocent.
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