Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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It has been an absolute cluster-F of a week. We're coming up on the end of a big project next week, so its all testing and meetings about issues and all sorts of shit. My friend on the IT side says everythings f'd and their going to have to slip the date again. I hope not, because if it slips again its going on top of my vacation.

Then on top of that, the team leading this huge project for some reason decided it was best to make everyone in the entire org go to some training for 6 hours a day, yesterday and today.

THEN, on top of that, the people on that team are so swamped none of them are going to the training that they scheduled and paid out the ass for, and so they scheduled tons of meetings on top of it for me as well.

I was literally quadruple booked on my calendar at several times today.

So I'm scrambling to make sure all my i's are crossed and my T's are dotted and my dotted line manager tells me he has a problem. And I'm like oh crap, last time this happened he almost had a heart attack and ended up in the ER. Well, I think he learned from that, because this time he said that he was getting too many tasks assigned to him for this project we were supposed to be working on together, and he needed help.

And honestly, thats the first time he's actually said he needed help. Which is some major progress for this guy, as far as management goes. So I said well tomorrow lets sit down and figure out what tasks you can split off for me. But I did make sure to tell him like look dude, we were supposed to work this together and you just took it and ran and then never asked for help until you were overwhelmed. Let that be a lesson.

Then on top of that, we've got a guy leaving, so on top of everything else I'm gonna have to help fill those shoes and train a new guy.

I think I'm taking half a day on friday to decompress. I'll do my morning meetings, get baked and then go work in my garden.
Then on top of that, like 3 times now in the last few weeks I've had brain farts and emailed my boss about shit that he had either already answered, or pointed out that I'd gotten confused and connected the wrong things. And I was honestly like...fuck man, is my mind starting to slip already? My grandpa started getting forgetful in his late 50s.

But no. I take way more notes than I have before, I'm more organized, I think this guy just has a mind like a steel trap and is catching stuff that most people wouldn't.
And I thought 4 plants was a pain to water, LOL
Lol I just take my time. No rush. Plus I like to water some let it sit for A min then water more do that like 4 times. I feel it gets the soil more evenly saturated and helps with not drowning the roots so it will take me a while. I got 17 plants of all ages right now. half in one gal pots that dry up in 2 to 3 days. Lol. Way over my head its all I do. Better be fillin alot of jars here in the next 2 months. I want weed coming out my ears again. Back to smoking joints instead of bowls.
Im hanging in there. How about yourself? got like 8 plants to water so I know what Im doing for the next 1 to 2 hours.
U seemed kinda pissed couple days ago. Me? I been drowning for weeks but im tryna stay my usual half glass full self, come here and shoot the shit.
As soon as I get up the energy to move dirt i got six babies ready. N i got 5 Growers Choice Brain Damage going now one week 5 one 4 day. This will be the most ive done by myself. One of them is the one I saved after my fungus gnat infestation. After she came back i decided to fim her cuz y not :crying: she came back from the dead didn't even get a flinch from her when I gave her the snip. I'll shoot a pic when I get the energy to move, not that it's particularly impressive but I appreciate a fighter
What a difference in grove bags. Got my 420 order in today and they're pretty much an entirely different product then the last batch I bought a couple years ago. Guessing there's been lots of changes but I do prefer the way the new bags look and feel

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