Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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In other news my back gonna be hating me tonight! :nono:

At my's the Only Sports I get....................:eyebrows:.....


I know; I commented to a grower on FB that he was "triggered" by something I said yesterday; and it turned into like 10 people being contacted about how I'm an asshole.

I mean. Everyone already knew that.

:crying: The pots with the males in will be Well Pollenated....

The Pots I put down for the dogs are showing lots of brown pistils........the Ones on the table aren't....but I Swear I smelled sex on them this morning.................

You know when you don't wanna full'll get one.........:crying:.. #SodsLaw ...
I know; I commented to a grower on FB that he was "triggered" by something I said yesterday; and it turned into like 10 people being contacted about how I'm an asshole.

I mean. Everyone already knew that.

I Think it is a Trend that Everybody reads stuff wanting to be Offended.... :shrug:...

I mean Jeeze.......if I wanted to be offended in the olden days I didn't have to read Social Media........:shrug:.....I just stayed Home and Listened to hubby....:blahblah:.....
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